Another way to do this is to use mri_volsynth to create a surface 
overlay with a single vertex 1 and everything else 0, then use 
mri_surf2surf to smooth the overlay to create a disk on the surface, 
then use mri_binarize, then use mri_vol2label to create a surface label.
for mri_volsynth, use --pdf delta --pdf-crsf vertexno 0 0 0 --dim 
nvertices 1 1 1
for mri_vol2label use the --surf option
you can run both with --help to get more info

On 02/13/2016 02:41 PM, Krieger, Donald N. wrote:
> Yes, thanks ... from my notes:
>                  This command contracts the selected surface vectors 3.0 mm 
> and places the resultant new surface file in surf/lh.white-3:
>                          mris_expand lh.white -3.0 lh.white-3
> Best regards,
> Don
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:freesurfer-
>>] On Behalf Of Bruce Fischl
>> Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 2:37 PM
>> To: Freesurfer support list
>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer tool to automatically generate label
>> surrounding a given vertex?
>> mris_expand probably
>> On Sat, 13 Feb 2016, Krieger, Donald N. wrote:
>>> Thanks for posting back about this, Bruce.
>>> I am thinking about a different function which probably is not called 
>>> --dilate.
>>> One specifies a surface, e.g. white, and gets back a new surface displaced 
>>> by
>> the distance you specify whose tangent is parallel to the tangent of the 
>> starting
>> surface at the nearest point.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: [mailto:freesurfer-
>>>>] On Behalf Of Bruce Fischl
>>>> Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 1:44 PM
>>>> To: Freesurfer support list
>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer tool to automatically generate
>>>> label surrounding a given vertex?
>>>> Hi Don
>>>> I think label2label --dilate does a morphological dilation on the
>>>> surface, not a new surface. It is also independent of distance - it
>>>> just uses topology - so your approach will be better if you truly
>>>> want a circle (although of course if the surface is highly curved
>>>> then the metric won't be quite right)
>>>> cheers
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On Sat, 13 Feb 2016, Krieger, Donald N. wrote:
>>>>> Hi Martha,
>>>>> A brute force but simple way to do this is to use the list of labels
>>>>> contained in subjects/nnn/label/lh.cortex and rh.cortex.
>>>>> Given a vertex x,y,z, go through the file and select the lines for
>>>>> which the distance to x,y,z <= 2 mm.  This will give you a bunch of
>>>>> labels for points within a circle with 2 mm radius about x,y,z.  And
>>>>> all of them will be on the “white” surface.  If your vertex is on a
>>>>> different surface, e.g. pia, or you want a different geometry, e.g.
>>>>> square, there’s likely a simple variant which will work.
>>>>> In my experience mri_label2label –dilate takes a lot of time and I’m
>>>>> not sure you can restrict it to give you points on the surface that
>>>>> you want.  I think it gives you a new surface which is displaced by
>>>>> a fixed distance from the one where you start.
>>>>> I hope this is helpful.
>>>>> Best - Don
>>>>> From:
>>>>> [] On Behalf Of Martha
>>>>> Shiell
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 12:59 PM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer tool to automatically generate
>>>>> label surrounding a given vertex?
>>>>> Hello Freesurfer community,
>>>>> I am looking for a way to automatically generate a surface label
>>>>> file of a specific dimension (e.g. a circle with a specific
>>>>> diameter, or a square), given a specific vertex and some measure of the
>> desired size.
>>>>> I have considered to do so by starting with a label file consisting
>>>>> of a single vertex, and then expanding this label with the
>>>>> mri_label2label tool, using the --dilate option. I wanted to know
>>>>> though if anyone has any better suggestions.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Martha
>>>>> --
>>>>> Martha M. Shiell, PhD
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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