It looks like the ces input is from a surface-based analysis. If you're label is already on the surface, then no need to do the label2vol step. If it is in the volume, then you'll need to transfer it to the surface with mri_label2label with the --paint option

On 11/24/15 12:14 PM, Danielle Miller wrote:
Hello freesurfer experts,

I am trying to extract an average percent signal change from a functional roi label I created in tkmedit using fsaverage. I followed previously discussed methods:

1) mri_label2vol --label <name of label> --temp fsaverage/mri.2mm/orig.mgz --regheader fsaverage/mri/orig.mgz --o <name of label mask>

2) I checked (tkmedit fsaverage orig.mgz -overlay <label mask> -fminmax .5 1) and the label looked fine

3) I ran mri_segstats --i ces.nii.gz --seg <label mask from above> --id 1 --avgwf ces.label.dat ces.nii.gz is the file from my group analysis (isxconcat-sess) using the correct contrast
It returns with this error:
ERROR: dimension mismatch between input volume and seg
  input 163842 1 1
  seg   76 76 93

Is there something I am doing wrong here?

Also of note I tried using the following commands:
1) funcroi-config -label <label mask created from above mri_label2vol> -analysis <analysis directory> -roi <name of roicfg file>

2) funcroi-sess -sf sessid - roi <roicfg file from above>
But this returns with this error:
ERROR: cannot find /Volumes/VA_Imaging/Projects/dmiller/COGCON/FSFAST/CC_001_recon/label/label_lh_ACC_correct_mask.mgz

Any suggestions would be extremely helpful.

Ph.D. Program in Behavioral Neuroscience
Boston University School of Medicine L-815
72 E. Concord St
Boston, MA 02118

VA Boston Healthcare System Jamaica Plain
Memory Disorders Research Center
150 South Huntington Ave  D11-103
Boston, MA 02130
OFFICE:(857) 364-2130

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