In your log:
"--------- Launching hardi_mat -----------------
Number of measurement points: 6
6 directions will not be enough for a hardi/Qball reconstruction. There
is something wrong with your selected gradient table. Which did you choose?
On 11/13/2015 10:16 AM, Alan Francis wrote:
Hi Ruopeng:
These brains have been run on Tracula and they look good. As a post
processing step, I wanted to look at the connectivity between the DACC
and anterior insula using DTK and Trackvis. Here is what I did:
--------- Launching hardi_mat -----------------
Number of measurement points: 6
1. I used the Imaging model HARDI/Q-Ball since these were acquired
using the HARDI method.
2. I clicked the 'reconstruction' button.
3. Next I loaded the dwi.nii.gz
I clicked on the load TrackVIS option.
I did not fill in any other option.
It ran without problems. Here is the script:
************ 11/12/15 1:14 PM ************
Steps to do:
1. hardi_mat
-ref "/Users/afrancis/Desktop/Connectome/101309/dmri/dwi.nii.gz" -oc
2. odf_recon
"/Users/afrancis/Desktop/Connectome/101309/dmri/dwi.nii.gz" 7 181
"/Users/afrancis/Desktop/Connectome/101309/dmri/hardi" -b0 1 -mat
-p 3 -sn 1 -ot nii
3. odf_tracker "/Users/afrancis/Desktop/Connectome/101309/dmri/hardi"
-at 35 -m
"/Users/afrancis/Desktop/Connectome/101309/dmri/hardi_dwi.nii" -it nii
4. spline_filter
1 "/Users/afrancis/Desktop/Connectome/101309/dmri/hardi.trk"
5. trackvis "/Users/afrancis/Desktop/Connectome/101309/dmri/hardi.trk"
--------- Launching hardi_mat -----------------
Number of measurement points: 6
Number of reconstruction points: 181
--------- Launching odf_recon -----------------
Volume dimension: 145 174 145
Voxel size: 1.250 1.250 1.250
Reading recon matrix...
Matrix file being used:
Reconstructing data... 100%
Writing b0 map...Done.
Writing dwi map...Done.
Reconstruction completed successfully.
Time taken: 00:04:43
--------- Launching odf_tracker -----------------
Volume dimension: 145 174 145
Voxel size: 1.250 1.250 1.250
Threshold for mask one: 92.9688 2945
Reading odf max data... 100%
Tracking... 100%
Time taken: 00:05:40
--------- Launching spline_filter -----------------
Volume dimension: 145 174 145
Voxel size: 1.25 1.25 1.25
Spline filtering track data...Done.
Number of tracks: 4586640
--------- Launching trackvis -----------------
TrackVis successfully launched.
Total time taken: 00:15:32
However, when I looked at the generated tracks, they looked weirdly
straight. I have a hunch that I am processing 'already processed'
brains and hence this anomaly.
Please advice.
--------- Launching hardi_mat -----------------
Number of measurement points: 6
On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Ruopeng Wang
< <>> wrote:
Hi Alan,
The tracks look weird. Why are they so straight?
On Nov 12, 2015, at 2:14 PM, Alan Francis
< <>> wrote:
Hi Anastasia:
It was great to meet you at the connectivity course at Martinos.
I have been using Trackvis to examine the white matter tracks
between the anterior insula and the Dorsal ACC. In line with your
--------- Launching hardi_mat -----------------
Number of measurement points: 6
, I created ROIS at each of these regions. However, the WM tracks
generated do not appear to connect. I have attached a screenshot.
What is the command that one would use to connect the ROIs?
thanks so much,
best regards,
Alan N. Francis PhD*
NIDA T32 Fellow in Computational Neuroscience
Brain Imaging Center
McLean Hospital
Harvard Medical School
115 Mill Street, Belmont, MA 02478 <> <>
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Alan N. Francis PhD*
NIDA T32 Fellow in Computational Neuroscience
Brain Imaging Center
McLean Hospital
Harvard Medical School
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