Yes, seems dcmunpack does not work with our new dataset.
So can I still use the images obtained from running mri_convert directly?  
Actually, I got the filenames for run13 by running  dcmunpack and then used 
these filenames with mri_convert directly.
[] on behalf of Douglas N Greve 
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] unpacksdcmdir

how do you know that it is mri_convert that is causing the problem? It
could be that unpacksdcmdir does not work. I've noticed that many data
sets are coming off the scanner with each run in a separate folder,
which breaks unpacksdcmdir. However, dcmunpack should work.

On 11/10/2015 04:26 PM, Li, Baojuan wrote:
> Dear Douglas,
> This works great with our old dataset. But for our new dataset collected 
> using a new protocol, I ran into another error:
> The command was:
> unpacksdcmdir -src 
> /cluster/archive/312/siemens/Prisma_fit-67026-20151103-135539-000984  \
> -targ /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/MRI -fsfast \
> -run 13 FSL nii DTI.nii
> The error was:
> Scanning directory Tue Nov 10 15:24:52 EST 2015
> mri_parse_sdcmdir --sortbyrun --d 
> /cluster/archive/312/siemens/Prisma_fit-67026-20151103-135539-000984 --o 
> /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/MRI/dicomdir.sumfile --status 
> /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/MRI/parse.status
> 0 100
> ERROR: parsing 
> /cluster/archive/312/siemens/Prisma_fit-67026-20151103-135539-000984
> See logfile /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/MRI/unpack.log for more 
> details
> However, when I used the old version of mri_convert, there was not such error 
> but I could not get the bvecs and bvals files:
> Scanning directory Tue Nov 10 15:41:57 EST 2015
> mri_parse_sdcmdir --sortbyrun --d 
> /cluster/archive/312/siemens/Prisma_fit-67026-20151103-135539-000984 --o 
> /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/MRI/dicomdir.sumfile --status 
> /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/MRI/parse.status
> 0   2   4   6   8  10  12  14  16  18  20  22  24  26  28  30  32  34  36  38 
>  40  42  44  46  48  50  52  54  56  58  60  62  64  66  68  70  72  74  76  
> 78  80  82  84  86  88  90  92  94  96  98 100
> Done scanning Tue Nov 10 15:49:52 EST 2015
> Finally, I tried to run mri_convert directly:
>   ./mri_convert 
> /cluster/archive/312/siemens/Prisma_fit-67026-20151103-135539-000984/MR.
>  /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/MRI/con_dir/DTI.nii
> It worked:
> reading from 
> /cluster/archive/312/siemens/Prisma_fit-67026-20151103-135539-000984/MR.
> Getting Series No
> Scanning Directory
> INFO: Found 1633 files in 
> /cluster/archive/312/siemens/Prisma_fit-67026-20151103-135539-000984
> INFO: Scanning for Series Number 13
> INFO: found 65 files in series
> INFO: loading series header info.
> INFO: sorting.
> RunNo = 12
> WARNING: Run 1 appears to be truncated
>    Files Found: 65, Files Expected (lRep+1): 1
> FileName              
> /cluster/archive/312/siemens/Prisma_fit-67026-20151103-135539-000984/MR.
> ...
> writing to /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/MRI/con_dir/DTI.nii...
> Saving bvals and bvecs
> I checked the DTI.nii, bvecs, bvals files, seems they were correct.
> So what may be the reason for this error? Can I still use the images obtained 
> by running mri_convert directly?
> Best wishes,
> Baojuan
> ________________________________________
> From: 
> [] on behalf of Douglas N Greve 
> []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] unpacksdcmdir
> Use the development environment (but only for unpacking)
> source /usr/local/freesurfer/nmr-dev-env
> On 11/10/2015 02:31 PM, Li, Baojuan wrote:
>> Dear Douglas,
>> Thank you!
>> I am using a desktop of the Martinos Center. Seems I am not allowed to 
>> replace the mri_convert file under the $FREESURFER_HOME/bin directory. Is 
>> there another way to use it?
>> Best wishes,
>> Baojuan
>> ________________________________________
>> From: 
>> [] on behalf of Douglas N Greve 
>> []
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 2:05 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] unpacksdcmdir
>> It will be distributed with version 6. For now, you can just replace the
>> current version in $FREESURFER_HOME/bin (just make backup of it before
>> you do). After that, all programs will use the new version
>> On 11/10/2015 01:51 PM, Li, Baojuan wrote:
>>> Dear Douglas,
>>> Thank you so much for your help. I have tried the new version of
>>> mri_convert and it works very well, giving me the bvecs and bvals
>>> correctly!
>>> Is the new mri_convert available from the latest version of
>>> Freesurfer? Because we will need to unpack data from a directory,  I
>>> think it will be great if we can use the new version of mri_convert
>>> through unpacksdcmdir.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Baojuan
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:*
>>> [] on behalf of Douglas Greve
>>> []
>>> *Sent:* Monday, November 09, 2015 11:04 PM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] unpacksdcmdir
>>> On 11/9/15 7:41 PM, Li, Baojuan wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am using unpacksdcmdir to unpack our data (collected using a
>>>> Siemens scanner) but running into an error.
>>>> I have two questions and hope someone can kindly help me with them:
>>>> 1. Why can not I successully unpack images for run10?
>>> Looks like the dicom file is missing a tag (28 30). This is the voxel
>>> size, which is weird to not be there. Is this a special output from
>>> the scanner? Some kind of derived data?
>>>> 2. I got the DTI.nii image, the bvecs and bvals for run4 now. Can I
>>>> use them for my analyses? Seems this run has an error. Does this
>>>> error matter?
>>> The err does not matter. Off hand, I don't know for sure that the
>>> bvals and bvecs are correct for 5.3. You can try the new version of
>>> mri_convert in which I have a lot more confidence.
>>>> Thank you so much for your help!
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Baojuan
>>>> The logfile is as follows:
>>>> Done scanning Mon Nov  9 19:10:43 EST 2015
>>>> ------------------------------------------
>>>>     1            localizer  ok  512 512   3   1
>>>> MR.
>>>>     2              AAScout  ok  128 128 128   2
>>>> MR.
>>>>     3        T1_MPRAGE_sag  ok  256 256 128   1
>>>> MR.
>>>>     4    DIFFUSION_HighRes err  128 128  64  70
>>>> MR.
>>>>     5    DIFFUSION_HighRes  ok  128 128  64   1
>>>> MR.
>>>>     6    DIFFUSION_HighRes  ok  128 128  64   1
>>>> MR.
>>>>     7    DIFFUSION_HighRes  ok  128 128  64   1
>>>> MR.
>>>>     8    DIFFUSION_HighRes  ok  128 128  64   1
>>>> MR.
>>>>     9    DIFFUSION_HighRes  ok  128 128  64   1
>>>> MR.
>>>>    10    DIFFUSION_HighRes  ok  128 128   1  64
>>>> MR.
>>>>    11       ge_functionals  ok   64  64  33 150
>>>> MR.
>>>> unpacking config ------------------
>>>> {3 T1 mgz T1.mgz} {4 DTI nii DTI.nii} {10 DTI nii DTI.nii}
>>>> -----------------------------------
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Run 3 -----------------------------------------
>>>> Mon Nov  9 19:10:43 EST 2015
>>>> 3 T1 mgz T1.mgz
>>>> mri_convert
>>>> /cluster/archive/302/siemens/TrioTim-35162-20121205-150656-604000/MR.
>>>> /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/old_lab_datatset/T1/003/T1.mgz
>>>> --sdcmlist
>>>> /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/old_lab_datatset/T1/003/flf
>>>> -ot mgz --nspmzeropad 3 --in_type siemens_dicom
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Run 4 -----------------------------------------
>>>> Mon Nov  9 19:10:56 EST 2015
>>>> 4 DTI nii DTI.nii
>>>> INFO: this run has an error, but trying anyway
>>>> mri_convert
>>>> /cluster/archive/302/siemens/TrioTim-35162-20121205-150656-604000/MR.
>>>> /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/old_lab_datatset/DTI/004/DTI.nii
>>>> --sdcmlist
>>>> /autofs/space/quadra_001/users/baojuan/old_lab_datatset/DTI/004/flf
>>>> -ot nii --nspmzeropad 3 --in_type siemens_dicom
>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Run 10 -----------------------------------------
>>>> Mon Nov  9 19:11:19 EST 2015
>>>> 10 DTI nii DTI.nii
>>>> ERROR: reading
>>>> /cluster/archive/302/siemens/TrioTim-35162-20121205-150656-604000/MR.
>>>> tag 28 30
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Freesurfer mailing list
>> --
>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>> MGH-NMR Center
>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
>> Fax: 617-726-7422
>> Bugs:
>> FileDrop:
>> Outgoing:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Freesurfer mailing list
>> _______________________________________________
>> Freesurfer mailing list
> --
> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
> Fax: 617-726-7422
> Bugs:
> FileDrop:
> Outgoing:
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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