-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        REMINDER: OHBM 2016 Call For Council Nominations Deadline Nov. 9
Date:   Thu, 05 Nov 2015 11:36:37 -0600
From:   i...@humanbrainmapping.org
Reply-To:       i...@humanbrainmapping.org
To:     gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

Dear OHBM Member:

Your opportunity to nominate individuals to serve as OHBM's leaders is 
*Monday, November 9th. *

We invite you to nominate individuals with proven scientific leadership 
expertise, strategic thinking and planning skills, strong problem 
solving skills, results oriented, visionary, strong ethics, have a 
global perspective and are available to participate and commit time.   
Knowledge of OHBM activities and consistent attendance at the Annual 
Meeting is desired.

Please complete the *Call for Nominations* 
<http://www.humanbrainmapping.org/i4a/forms/index.cfm?id=25> form no 
later than *Monday, November 9^th at* *11:59 PM US CST*. 
Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged.

Councilors are not eligible for re-election for any council position for 
three years after serving one term. Individuals who are currently 
ineligible as nominees due to service on Council within the past 3 years 
are listed below.

*Not Eligible Until 2018/2019*

  * Steve Smith, 2014-2015 Chair
  * Jia-Hong Gao, 2014-2015 Treasurer
  * Simon Eickhoff, 2014-2015 Secretary
  * Pedro Valdes Sosa, 2014-2015 Program Chair

*Not Eligible Until 2017/2018*

  * Susan Bookheimer, 2013-2014 Chair
  * Julian Doyon, 2013-2014 Treasurer
  * Thomas Nichols, 2013-2014 Secretary
  * Peter Bandettini, 2013-2014 Program Chair
  * Klaas Enno Stephan, 2013-2014 Education Chair

We look forward to your involvement in the identification and election 
of your association’s leadership.   Please contact the OHBM Executive 
Office at i...@humanbrainmapping.org <mailto:i...@humanbrainmapping.org> 
with any questions.


JoAnn Taie
Executive Director
Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)

*Organization for Human Brain Mapping*
5841 Cedar Lake Road, Suite 204
Minneapolis, MN 55416 USA
Phone: 1 952-646-2029
Fax: 1 952-545-6073
www.humanbrainmapping.org <http://www.humanbrainmapping.org>
i...@humanbrainmapping.org <mailto:i...@humanbrainmapping.org>

To opt out of OHBM emails, contact the OHBM Executive Office at 



*Save the Date!
June 26-30, 2016* 

*Current 2015-2016
Council Members 

*Call for Communications Committee Members 

Freesurfer mailing list

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