Hi Nathan

you could just map the aparc+aseg to Tal coords, then load it into matlab 
and compute the average coordinate for each parcel. Note that the average 
isn't guaranteed to be within the parcel though. An alternative would be to 
compute the point that is the min average distance from all other points. 
It's a bit more compute-intensive but will be in the parcel


On Wed, 21 Oct 2015, Nathan 
Malitz wrote:

> Hi There,
> Long time listener first time caller,
> I would like to generate a txt file, each line with 3 values for the XYZ in
> normalised space, based on the centre of each free surfer cortical
> parcellation, for each Subject run through freesurfer.
> Any chance someone could point me in the right direction for this?
> Kind regards,
> Nathan
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