You can also map the sulc or curv to fsaverage. The coordinates (in 
freeview or tksurfer) are in MNI305 coordinates which are pretty close 
to Tal.


On 09/28/2015 05:26 PM, Rudolph Pienaar wrote:
> Hi Karen --
> A given FreeSurfer surface can be thought of as a triangular mesh. This
> mesh contains many "points" (i.e. the vertex points of the constituent
> triangles).
> Each of these mesh vertex points contains many internal values, i.e. the
> x, y, z position of the point, the normal to the surface at this point,
> some curvature values at this point, and many more.
> Each of these mesh points is also referenced by a single number, its ID
> if you will. If there are 100,000 mesh points, this ID will range in
> value from 0 (the arbitrary first point) to 99,999 (the last point on
> the mesh).
> A sulc or curvature file, is simply a long array of sulc or curvature
> values. The index of the array corresponds to the ID of the same indexed
> point on the FreeSurfer surface (there is slightly confusing change in
> that in MatLAB counting of arrays starts at 1, while in FreeSurfer the
> counting starts at 0). So, for example, a file "lh.sulc", is simply a
> long list of values, in order, corresponding to the sulc value at each
> corresponding index location of the surface.
> So, in MatLAB, a line like:
>       [curv, fnum] = read_curv(fname);
> and assuming that
>       fname = '/some/path/to/lh.sulc';
> will read the lh.sulc located at the directory spec '/some/path/to/' and
> will return two bits of data. The 'fnum' you can ignore. The 'curv' is
> what you are interested in. It is a MatLAB array (or vector) of, in this
> case, the sulc values.
> curv[1]       corresponds to the sulc value at the first mesh point (which is
> actually index 0 of the mesh).
> curv[2] corresponds to the sulc value at the second mesh point (which is
> actually index 1 of the mesh).
> and so on and so forth.
> If you set fname to
>       fname = '/some/path/to/lh.curv';
> then the lh.curv file and its values are read and returned as the
> indexed MatLAB vector.
> In order to get the sulc and curv at a given tal coordinate, you'd have
> to map the tal coordinate to the index of the point on the FreeSurfer mesh.
> -=R
> On 9/28/15 12:31 , Bunday, Karen wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am not a Freesurfer expert or Matlab connoisseur. I am trying to find
>> out how to get the Sulc and Curv value for a given  tal coordinate.  I
>> was told that you load it in Matlab using read_curv, but how exactly do
>> I do this, what does they syntax look like?
>> I can see in the help this: [curv, fnum] = read_curv(fname)
>> But I don’t know what I’m supposed to out in here more explicitly.
>> Thanks
>> Karen
>> Karen Bunday, PhD
>> Honorary Research Associate
>> Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders
>> Institute of Neurology, University College London
>> 33 Queen Square
>> London
>> WC1N 3BG
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