Hi Philip,

It seems that for a strange reason your ROIs are not getting saved. I never saw 
this one. I suppose that you are getting this error for all subjects? Do you 
have a way to transfer me one of your subject so that I can have a closer look?



On Aug 26, 2015, at 11:37 AM, Philip Deming 

Thanks for the quick response, Marie. Here's the full recon-all.log for this 

FREESURFER_HOME /Volumes/apps/rhel6/freesurfer/freesurfer-latest
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /Volumes/apps/rhel6/freesurfer/freesurfer_5.10_x86_64
build-stamp.txt: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0
Linux MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu> 
2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 3 13:32:45 EST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 
x86_64 GNU/Linux
cputime      unlimited
filesize     unlimited
datasize     unlimited
stacksize    10240 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
memoryuse    unlimited
vmemoryuse   unlimited
descriptors  1024
memorylocked 64 kbytes
maxproc      1024

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:      99032816   98557552     475264        600     106540   92215824
-/+ buffers/cache:    6235188   92797628
Swap:      4194296    1154388    3039908

program versions used
$Id: recon-all,v 1.379.2.17 2011/05/20 22:48:18 nicks Exp $
$Id: mri_motion_correct.fsl,v 1.14 2011/03/02 20:16:39 nicks Exp $
mri_convert -all-info
ProgramName: mri_convert  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:11-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2011/05/16 20:53:47 greve Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
FLIRT version 5.5
$Id: talairach_avi,v 1.9 2011/03/02 18:38:06 nicks Exp $
mri_convert --version
ProgramName: tkregister2_cmdl  ProgramArguments: --all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:11-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: tkregister2.c,v 2011/03/28 20:25:16 greve 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
Program nu_correct, built from:
Package MNI N3, version 1.10, compiled by nicks@minerva 
(x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) on 2010-02-20 at 17:32:37
ProgramName: mri_make_uchar  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:11-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_make_uchar.c,v 1.4 2011/03/02 00:04:14 nicks Exp $ 
 User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_normalize  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:11-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_normalize.c,v 1.73 2011/03/11 20:55:38 fischl Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_watershed  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:11-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_watershed.cpp,v 1.96 2011/03/16 21:23:49 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_gcut  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:11-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_gcut.cpp,v 1.14 2011/03/02 00:04:16 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_segment  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_segment.c,v 1.40 2011/03/02 00:04:24 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_label2label  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_label2label.c,v 2011/05/19 17:21:56 greve 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_em_register  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_em_register.c,v 1.84 2011/03/16 21:23:48 nicks Exp 
$  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_ca_normalize  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_ca_normalize.c,v 1.52 2011/03/02 00:04:14 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_ca_register  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_ca_register.c,v 1.78 2011/03/02 14:27:40 fischl 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_ca_label  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_ca_label.c,v 1.96 2011/03/02 00:04:13 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_pretess  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_pretess.c,v 1.20 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_fill  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_fill.c,v 1.118 2011/03/16 21:23:49 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_tessellate  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_tessellate.c,v 1.36 2011/03/02 00:04:25 nicks Exp 
$  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_concatenate_lta  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:13-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_concatenate_lta.c,v 1.10 2011/03/16 21:23:48 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_normalize_tp2  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:13-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_normalize_tp2.c,v 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_smooth  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:13-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_smooth.c,v 1.28 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_inflate  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:13-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_inflate.c,v 1.43 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_curvature  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:13-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_curvature.c,v 1.31 2011/03/02 00:04:30 nicks Exp 
$  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_sphere  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:13-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_sphere.c,v 1.57 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_fix_topology  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:13-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_fix_topology.c,v 1.48 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_topo_fixer  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:13-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_topo_fixer.cpp,v 1.29 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_ca_label  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:13-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_ca_label.c,v 1.35 2011/03/02 00:04:27 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_euler_number  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_euler_number.c,v 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_make_surfaces  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_make_surfaces.c,v 1.127 2011/03/02 00:04:33 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_register  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_register.c,v 1.59 2011/03/02 00:04:33 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_volmask  ProgramArguments: --all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_volmask.cpp,v 1.25 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_anatomical_stats  ProgramArguments: -all-info  
ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  
BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_anatomical_stats.c,v 1.72 
2011/03/02 00:04:26 nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mrisp_paint  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mrisp_paint.c,v 1.11 2011/03/02 00:04:35 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_curvature_stats  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_curvature_stats.c,v 1.64 2011/03/02 00:04:30 
nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_calc  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_calc.c,v 2011/04/04 00:53:08 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
$Id: mri_robust_register.cpp,v 1.52 2011/03/16 21:23:49 nicks Exp $

ProgramName: mri_robust_register  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_robust_register.cpp,v 1.52 2011/03/16 21:23:49 
nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
$Id: mri_robust_template.cpp,v 1.37 2011/03/02 00:04:24 nicks Exp $

ProgramName: mri_robust_template  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_robust_template.cpp,v 1.37 2011/03/02 00:04:24 
nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_and  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_and.c,v 1.4 2011/03/02 00:04:13 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_or  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:15-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_or.c,v 1.3 2011/03/02 00:04:13 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_fuse_segmentations  ProgramArguments: -all-info  
ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:15-GMT  
BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_fuse_segmentations.c,v 1.8 
2011/03/02 00:04:15 nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_segstats  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/07/23-15:03:15-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 2011/04/27 22:18:58 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: 
MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu>  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64  CompilerName: GCC  
CompilerVersion: 30400
GCADIR /Volumes/apps/rhel6/freesurfer/freesurfer-latest/average
GCA RB_all_2008-03-26.gca
GCASkull RB_all_withskull_2008-03-26.gca
AvgCurvTif average.curvature.filled.buckner40.tif
GCSDIR /Volumes/apps/rhel6/freesurfer/freesurfer-latest/average
GCS curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.2010-03-25.gcs
INFO: current FREESURFER_HOME does not match that of previous processing.
    Current: /Volumes/apps/rhel6/freesurfer/freesurfer-latest
    Previous: /data2/grecc/freesurfer5.1.0
#@# Local Gyrification Index lh Thu Jul 23 10:03:16 CDT 2015

 mris_compute_lgi --i lh.pial

rm -Rf 
mkdir -p 
mris_fill -c -r 1 lh.pial 
reading surface from lh.pial...
writing filled volume to 
conforming output volume
setting resolution for intermediate calculations to 1.0000

                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             February 11, 2014

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com<http://www.mathworks.com>.

>> reading filled volume...
closing volume...
morphological closing done.
writing outer surface...


counting number of connected components...
   64956 voxel in cpt #1: X=2 [v=64956,e=194862,f=129908] located at 
(-28.702967, -25.697208, 2.203984)
For the whole surface: X=2 [v=64956,e=194862,f=129908]
One single component has been found
nothing to do

mris_smooth -nw -n 30 
smoothing for 30 iterations
smoothing surface tessellation for 30 iterations...
smoothing complete - recomputing first and second fundamental forms...
mris_euler_number ./lh.pial-outer-smoothed
euler # = v-e+f = 2g-2: 64956 - 194862 + 129908 = 2 --> 0 holes
      F =2V-4:          129908 = 129912-4 (0)
      2E=3F:            389724 = 389724 (0)

total defect index = 0
mris_convert -n lh.pial-outer-smoothed 

                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             February 11, 2014

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com<http://www.mathworks.com>.

...reading surface file: lh.pial
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.03 sec)

...reading surface file: lh.pial-outer-smoothed
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.01 sec)

deltaT =



                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             February 11, 2014

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com<http://www.mathworks.com>.

>> loading datas ...
...reading surface file: lh.pial
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.03 sec)

...reading surface file: lh.pial-outer-smoothed
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.01 sec)

preparing outer mesh structure ...
face 5000 / 129908
face 10000 / 129908
face 15000 / 129908
face 20000 / 129908
face 25000 / 129908
face 30000 / 129908
face 35000 / 129908
face 40000 / 129908
face 45000 / 129908
face 50000 / 129908
face 55000 / 129908
face 60000 / 129908
face 65000 / 129908
face 70000 / 129908
face 75000 / 129908
face 80000 / 129908
face 85000 / 129908
face 90000 / 129908
face 95000 / 129908
face 100000 / 129908
face 105000 / 129908
face 110000 / 129908
face 115000 / 129908
face 120000 / 129908
face 125000 / 129908

mesh_outer =

         vertices: [64956x3 double]
            faces: [129908x3 double]
    facesOfVertex: [64956x1 struct]

preparing pial mesh structure ...
...searching for mesh edges...done (217.16 sec).
... creating path file for vertex 1 / 64956
area file for outer ROIs saved at 1
{Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix.

Error in dsearchn (line 79)
        [d(i),t(i)] = min(sum((x-yi).^2,2));

Error in mesh_vertex_nearest (line 29)
nearestIndex = dsearchn(vertices,points);

Error in reorganize_verticeslist (line 28)

Error in make_roi_paths (line 93)
    reorglist = reorganize_verticeslist (mesh_total, A, mesh_outer, perim,
    verticeslist, step);
ERROR:  make_roi_paths did not complete successfully!
Linux MRI-APP1.heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu<http://heri.psychiatry.wisc.edu> 
2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Mar 3 13:32:45 EST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 
x86_64 GNU/Linux

recon-all -s M87100094 exited with ERRORS at Thu Jul 23 10:08:31 CDT 2015

To report a problem, see http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting

New invocation of recon-all

Wed Aug 26 09:51:38 CDT 2015
-s M87100094/ -localGI
subjid M87100094
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /Volumes/Vol3/Koenigs/WisPRIS_2013/UNM_PROC/FREESURFER
FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
build-stamp.txt: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0
Linux KOENIGS-PC1 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 17 16:09:06 UTC 2015 x86_64 
cputime      unlimited
filesize     unlimited
datasize     unlimited
stacksize    8192 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
memoryuse    unlimited
vmemoryuse   unlimited
descriptors  1024
memorylocked 64 kbytes
maxproc      unlimited
maxlocks     unlimited
maxsignal    16382
maxmessage   819200
maxnice      0
maxrtprio    0
maxrttime    unlimited

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       8180032    8053760     126272          0     408508    6972344
-/+ buffers/cache:     672908    7507124
Swap:      9912312          0    9912312

program versions used
$Id: recon-all,v 1.379.2.17 2011/05/20 22:48:18 nicks Exp $
$Id: mri_motion_correct.fsl,v 1.14 2011/03/02 20:16:39 nicks Exp $
mri_convert -all-info
ProgramName: mri_convert  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:39-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2011/05/16 20:53:47 greve Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
FLIRT version 5.5
$Id: talairach_avi,v 1.9 2011/03/02 18:38:06 nicks Exp $
mri_convert --version
ProgramName: tkregister2_cmdl  ProgramArguments: --all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:39-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: tkregister2.c,v 2011/03/28 20:25:16 greve 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
Program nu_correct, built from:
Package MNI N3, version 1.10, compiled by nicks@minerva 
(x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) on 2010-02-20 at 17:32:37
ProgramName: mri_make_uchar  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:39-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_make_uchar.c,v 1.4 2011/03/02 00:04:14 nicks Exp $ 
 User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_normalize  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:39-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_normalize.c,v 1.73 2011/03/11 20:55:38 fischl Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_watershed  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:40-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_watershed.cpp,v 1.96 2011/03/16 21:23:49 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_gcut  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:40-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_gcut.cpp,v 1.14 2011/03/02 00:04:16 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64 
 CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_segment  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:40-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_segment.c,v 1.40 2011/03/02 00:04:24 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64 
 CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_label2label  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:40-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_label2label.c,v 2011/05/19 17:21:56 greve 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_em_register  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:40-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_em_register.c,v 1.84 2011/03/16 21:23:48 nicks Exp 
$  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_ca_normalize  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:40-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_ca_normalize.c,v 1.52 2011/03/02 00:04:14 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_ca_register  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:40-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_ca_register.c,v 1.78 2011/03/02 14:27:40 fischl 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_ca_label  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:41-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_ca_label.c,v 1.96 2011/03/02 00:04:13 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_pretess  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:41-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_pretess.c,v 1.20 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64 
 CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_fill  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:41-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_fill.c,v 1.118 2011/03/16 21:23:49 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64 
 CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_tessellate  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:41-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_tessellate.c,v 1.36 2011/03/02 00:04:25 nicks Exp 
$  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_concatenate_lta  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:41-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_concatenate_lta.c,v 1.10 2011/03/16 21:23:48 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_normalize_tp2  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:41-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_normalize_tp2.c,v 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:23 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_smooth  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:41-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_smooth.c,v 1.28 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64 
 CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_inflate  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:41-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_inflate.c,v 1.43 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_curvature  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:41-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_curvature.c,v 1.31 2011/03/02 00:04:30 nicks Exp 
$  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_sphere  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:42-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_sphere.c,v 1.57 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64 
 CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_fix_topology  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:42-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_fix_topology.c,v 1.48 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_topo_fixer  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:42-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_topo_fixer.cpp,v 1.29 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_ca_label  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:42-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_ca_label.c,v 1.35 2011/03/02 00:04:27 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_euler_number  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:42-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_euler_number.c,v 1.8 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_make_surfaces  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:42-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_make_surfaces.c,v 1.127 2011/03/02 00:04:33 nicks 
Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_register  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:42-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_register.c,v 1.59 2011/03/02 00:04:33 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_volmask  ProgramArguments: --all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:42-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_volmask.cpp,v 1.25 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_anatomical_stats  ProgramArguments: -all-info  
ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:42-GMT  
BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_anatomical_stats.c,v 1.72 
2011/03/02 00:04:26 nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 
ProgramName: mrisp_paint  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:43-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mrisp_paint.c,v 1.11 2011/03/02 00:04:35 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64 
 CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_curvature_stats  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:43-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_curvature_stats.c,v 1.64 2011/03/02 00:04:30 
nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  
PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mris_calc  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:43-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mris_calc.c,v 2011/04/04 00:53:08 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
$Id: mri_robust_register.cpp,v 1.52 2011/03/16 21:23:49 nicks Exp $

ProgramName: mri_robust_register  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:43-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_robust_register.cpp,v 1.52 2011/03/16 21:23:49 
nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  
PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
$Id: mri_robust_template.cpp,v 1.37 2011/03/02 00:04:24 nicks Exp $

ProgramName: mri_robust_template  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: 
$Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:43-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 
2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_robust_template.cpp,v 1.37 2011/03/02 00:04:24 
nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  
PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_and  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:43-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_and.c,v 1.4 2011/03/02 00:04:13 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64 
 CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_or  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:43-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_or.c,v 1.3 2011/03/02 00:04:13 nicks Exp $  User: 
pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64 
 CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
ProgramName: mri_fuse_segmentations  ProgramArguments: -all-info  
ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:43-GMT  
BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_fuse_segmentations.c,v 1.8 
2011/03/02 00:04:15 nicks Exp $  User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: 
Linux  PlatformVersion: 2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 
ProgramName: mri_segstats  ProgramArguments: -all-info  ProgramVersion: $Name: 
stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2015/08/26-14:51:44-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 22 2011 
08:23:31  CVS: $Id: mri_segstats.c,v 2011/04/27 22:18:58 nicks Exp $  
User: pdeming  Machine: KOENIGS-PC1  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 
2.6.32-5-amd64  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
GCADIR /usr/local/freesurfer/average
GCA RB_all_2008-03-26.gca
GCASkull RB_all_withskull_2008-03-26.gca
AvgCurvTif average.curvature.filled.buckner40.tif
GCSDIR /usr/local/freesurfer/average
GCS curvature.buckner40.filled.desikan_killiany.2010-03-25.gcs
INFO: current FREESURFER_HOME does not match that of previous processing.
    Current: /usr/local/freesurfer
    Previous: /data2/grecc/freesurfer5.1.0
#@# Local Gyrification Index lh Wed Aug 26 09:51:45 CDT 2015

 mris_compute_lgi --i lh.pial

rm -Rf 
mkdir -p 
mris_fill -c -r 1 lh.pial 
reading surface from lh.pial...
writing filled volume to 
conforming output volume
setting resolution for intermediate calculations to 1.0000

                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             February 11, 2014

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com<http://www.mathworks.com>.

>> reading filled volume...
closing volume...
morphological closing done.
writing outer surface...


counting number of connected components...
   64956 voxel in cpt #1: X=2 [v=64956,e=194862,f=129908] located at 
(-28.702967, -25.697208, 2.203984)
For the whole surface: X=2 [v=64956,e=194862,f=129908]
One single component has been found
nothing to do

mris_smooth -nw -n 30 
smoothing for 30 iterations
smoothing surface tessellation for 30 iterations...
smoothing complete - recomputing first and second fundamental forms...
mris_euler_number ./lh.pial-outer-smoothed
euler # = v-e+f = 2g-2: 64956 - 194862 + 129908 = 2 --> 0 holes
      F =2V-4:          129908 = 129912-4 (0)
      2E=3F:            389724 = 389724 (0)

total defect index = 0
mris_convert -n lh.pial-outer-smoothed 

                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             February 11, 2014

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com<http://www.mathworks.com>.

...reading surface file: lh.pial
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.03 sec)

...reading surface file: lh.pial-outer-smoothed
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.01 sec)

deltaT =



                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
                    R2014a ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                             February 11, 2014

To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com<http://www.mathworks.com>.

>> loading datas ...
...reading surface file: lh.pial
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.03 sec)

...reading surface file: lh.pial-outer-smoothed
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.01 sec)

preparing outer mesh structure ...
face 5000 / 129908
face 10000 / 129908
face 15000 / 129908
face 20000 / 129908
face 25000 / 129908
face 30000 / 129908
face 35000 / 129908
face 40000 / 129908
face 45000 / 129908
face 50000 / 129908
face 55000 / 129908
face 60000 / 129908
face 65000 / 129908
face 70000 / 129908
face 75000 / 129908
face 80000 / 129908
face 85000 / 129908
face 90000 / 129908
face 95000 / 129908
face 100000 / 129908
face 105000 / 129908
face 110000 / 129908
face 115000 / 129908
face 120000 / 129908
face 125000 / 129908

mesh_outer =

         vertices: [64956x3 double]
            faces: [129908x3 double]
    facesOfVertex: [64956x1 struct]

preparing pial mesh structure ...
...searching for mesh edges...done (175.16 sec).
... creating path file for vertex 1 / 64956
area file for outer ROIs saved at 1
{Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix.

Error in dsearchn (line 79)
        [d(i),t(i)] = min(sum((x-yi).^2,2));

Error in mesh_vertex_nearest (line 29)
nearestIndex = dsearchn(vertices,points);

Error in reorganize_verticeslist (line 28)

Error in make_roi_paths (line 93)
    reorglist = reorganize_verticeslist (mesh_total, A, mesh_outer, perim,
    verticeslist, step);
ERROR:  make_roi_paths did not complete successfully!
Linux KOENIGS-PC1 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 17 16:09:06 UTC 2015 x86_64 

recon-all -s M87100094 exited with ERRORS at Wed Aug 26 09:56:37 CDT 2015

To report a problem, see http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BugReporting

 on behalf of Marie Schaer <marie.sch...@unige.ch<mailto:marie.sch...@unige.ch>>
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 10:24 AM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Error running recon-all -localGI

Hi Philip,

Can you send me the full recon-all.log for this subject so that I can see also 
matlab version and whether other vertices ran or if it crashed on the first one.



On Aug 26, 2015, at 8:00 AM, Philip Deming 
<pdem...@wisc.edu<mailto:pdem...@wisc.edu>> wrote:

Hi Freesurfer Support,

I posted this question about a month ago, and I still haven't found a solution. 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
When running the recon-all -localGI command, I get the following errors, which 
result in the message: make_roi_paths did not complete successfully!

Error in dsearchn (line 79)
        [d(i),t(i)] = min(sum((x-yi).^2,2));

Error in mesh_vertex_nearest (line 29)
nearestIndex = dsearchn(vertices,points);

Error in reorganize_verticeslist (line 28)

Error in make_roi_paths (line 93)
    reorglist = reorganize_verticeslist (mesh_total, A, mesh_outer, perim,
    verticeslist, step);

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