Hi Peggy - That's a good question and yet another great feature request. I 
can think of one completely inelegant hack for doing this right now in 
the absence of an actual feature.
Let's say the path to the lh.cst stats of your subject is:

Then you can create a fake subject with the same directory structure as your real subject so that you can create a fake lh.cst output directory for your fake subject that's really a symbolic link to the rh.cst output directory of your real subject:
        ln -s subj1/blah...rh...blah/pathstats.byvoxel.txt \

Then you put all subjects, real and fake, into your subjlist and run trac-all -stat. It's ugly but it might just work!

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015, Peggy Skelly wrote:

I'm using tracula with stroke subjects with a mixture which hemisphere is 
lesioned, so I'd like to compare all contra- or
ipsilesional hemis together. 

trac-all -stat  combines pathstats.byvoxel.txt for group analysis. Is there a 
way to combine some subjects' LH tract and other
subjects' RH tract? 


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