Try using this version

On 7/22/15 4:03 AM, Bingjiang Lyu wrote:
Thanks a lot for your prompt reply, Doug and Bruce. I did collect field maps and just tried epidewarp.fsl, but I met with the following error "FSL Version is 5.0.6, must be 3.X or 4.X". I've searched the email archives and found a message about epidewarp.fsl that works with FSL 5 from Doug, however the link seems to be invalid now ( Would you please update the link of this file? Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

    If you did collect field maps, you can use epidewarp.fsl to create a
    voxel shift map (the only output of epidewarp.fsl that you need;
    need to FSL to run that program), then use bbregister with the --vsm
    option to register your func to the struct, then use mri_vol2vol with
    the --vsm option to map your functional time courses to the anatomical
    space, then use mri_segstats with the --avgwf (or --avgwfvol)
    option to
    get the average time courses for each ROI (or you can do this in
    easily enough too)
    On 7/21/15 9:29 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
    > Hi Bingjiang
    > did you acquire any field maps? If so, you can them to undistort the EPIs
    > cheers
    > Bruce
    > On Tue, 21 Jul 2015, Bingjiang Lyu wrote:
    >> Dear all,
    >> I've got the automaticlly parcellated 'aparc.a2009s+aseg.nii' file for
    >> individual T1 image, and I want to calculate functional connectivity 
    >> each pair of the brain regions. I normalized both the T1 and EPI images 
    >> standard MNI space using SPM12, however, the normalized structural and
    >> functional images didn't match very well due to the distortion of
    >> susceptibility artifacts, especially for the inferior temporal and 
    >> frontal cortex (Please see the attached pictures). Could anyone give some
    >> suggestions on better co-registration of the normalized structural and
    >> functional images? Thanks a lot in advance.
    >> Best regards,
    >> Bingjiang
    >> --
    >> Bingjiang LyuPhD student
    >> Center for MRI Research
    >> Peking University
    >> Beijing, China
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Bingjiang Lyu
PhD student
Center for MRI Research
Peking University
Beijing, China

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