How was the volume that holds the manual segs created? Another thing you 
can try is

mri_vol2vol --mov lh.hippoSfLabels-T1.v10.mgz --targ mansegs.nii 
--regheader --o FS_outfile.nii

On 07/09/2015 03:59 PM, von Polier, Georg wrote:
> Different in nii: type: FLOAT (3); TE, TI, flip angle: 0; PhEncDir: 
> Unknown;
> xform info, voxel to ras transform, ras to voxel identical
> Loading rawavg.nii and FS_outfile.nii in ITK looks in perfect 
> alignment, it says orientation of FS_outfile is Oblique (closest to ASR);
> When I load the manual segents, (into rawavg) it warns of header 
> mismatch (orientation ASL) and I notice a slight shift.
> Loading the FS_outfile into the original dicom-file, it equally warns 
> of header missmatch, I notice a slight shift.
> Volume information for rawavg.mgz
> type: MGH
> dimensions: 256 x 256 x 176
>    voxel sizes: 0.9766, 0.9766, 1.0000
> type: SHORT (4)
> fov: 250.000
> dof: 0
> xstart: -125.0, xend: 125.0
> ystart: -125.0, yend: 125.0
> zstart: -88.0, zend: 88.0
> TR: 1900.00 msec, TE: 2.52 msec, TI: 900.00 msec, flip angle: 9.00 degrees
> nframes: 1
> PhEncDir: ROW
> ras xform present
>     xform info: x_r =  -0.0332, y_r =  -0.0628, z_r =  -0.9975, c_r = 
> -3.9057
>   : x_a =  -0.9995, y_a =   0.0021, z_a =   0.0331, c_a = 14.5730
>   : x_s =   0.0000, y_s =  -0.9980, z_s =   0.0628, c_s = -24.5551
> talairach xfm :
> Orientation   : PIL
> Primary Slice Direction: sagittal
> voxel to ras transform:
>     -0.0324  -0.0613  -0.9975    95.8613
>     -0.9760   0.0020   0.0331   136.3322
>     0.0000  -0.9746   0.0628    94.6727
>     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
> voxel-to-ras determinant -0.953674
> ras to voxel transform:
>     -0.0340  -1.0234   0.0000   142.7820
>     -0.0643   0.0021  -1.0220   102.6232
>     -0.9975   0.0331   0.0628    85.1638
>     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
> Volume information for FS_output.nii
> type: nii
> dimensions: 256 x 256 x 176
>    voxel sizes: 0.9766, 0.9766, 1.0000
> type: FLOAT (3)
>   fov: 250.000
>   dof: 0
> xstart: -125.0, xend: 125.0
> ystart: -125.0, yend: 125.0
> zstart: -88.0, zend: 88.0
>   TR: 1900.00 msec, TE: 0.00 msec, TI: 0.00 msec, flip angle: 0.00 degrees
> nframes: 1
> ras xform present
>     xform info: x_r =  -0.0332, y_r =  -0.0628, z_r =  -0.9975, c_r = 
> -3.9057
>     : x_a =  -0.9995, y_a =   0.0021, z_a =   0.0331, c_a = 14.5730
>     : x_s =   0.0000, y_s =  -0.9980, z_s =   0.0628, c_s = -24.5551
> Orientation   : PIL
> Primary Slice Direction: sagittal
> voxel to ras transform:
>       -0.0324  -0.0613  -0.9975    95.8613
>       -0.9760   0.0020   0.0331   136.3322
>       0.0000  -0.9746   0.0628    94.6727
>       0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
> voxel-to-ras determinant -0.953674
> ras to voxel transform:
>       -0.0340  -1.0234   0.0000   142.7820
>       -0.0643   0.0021  -1.0220   102.6232
>       -0.9975   0.0331   0.0628    85.1638
>       0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
>> Am 09.07.2015 um 20:54 schrieb Douglas N Greve 
>> < <>>:
>> vol2vol is the right way to go on this. When you run mri_info on
>> rawavg.mgz and FS_outfile.nii, do they have the same geometry? What if
>> you convert rawavg.mgz to nii and open it and outfile.nii in ITK Snap,
>> so they look the same?
>> On 07/09/2015 02:44 PM, von Polier, Georg wrote:
>>> Thanks for getting back. What I need is hippoSflabels in the original
>>> coordinates/space of the dicom-files (to compare with manual
>>> segmentation). Basically I had success with
>>> mri_convert -rl rawavg.mgz -rt nearest lh.hippoSfLabels-T1.v10.mgz 
>>>  FS_outfile.nii
>>> (identical dimensions, voxel spacing, origin and orientation) however,
>>> segmentation have wholes that renders shape analysis impossible. Running
>>> mri_vol2vol --mov lh.hippoSfLabels-T1.v10.mgz --targ orig/001.mgz
>>> --regheader --o FS_outfile.nii --no-save-reg   (or —targ rawavg)
>>> resulted in perfect segmentations, but the coordinates had (identical
>>> dimensions and voxel spacing) but different origin and orientation
>>> (dicom: AIL; FS_outfile: ASR) when I open both files in ITK Snap.
>>> Also, FS seems to involve more/ other steps in mri_vol2vol as compared
>>> to mri_convert. So I figured I would either need other commands for
>>> mri_vol2vol or an additional step to have my (perfect) segmention in
>>> dicom-coordinates. I tried
>>> mri_convert FS_outfile.nii FS_outfile_LPS.nii --in_orientation RAS
>>> --out_orientation LPS
>>> but the output was completely wrong oriented.
>>> So that’s were I am stuck. Back to your question - I guess I need the
>>> voxel-to-RAS matrix to have FS-output in the original real world
>>> coordinates to enable direct comparisons and then guidance on how to
>>> calculate the image translations with FS (on a larger data set).
>>>> Am 09.07.2015 um 19:00 schrieb Douglas N Greve
>>>> < <> 
>>>> <>>:
>>>> There are a lot of details here that can easily get confused. The pixel
>>>> data are not in any particular space. The order of the pixel data are
>>>> not changed when converted to mgz. The direction cosines that indicate
>>>> how to convert a col-row-slice to a real world coordinate dictate how
>>>> the pixels are displayed or interpreted spatially. The direction 
>>>> cosines
>>>> in the dicom file will be LPS. The direction cosines in RAS space are
>>>> computed and saved in the mgz file. The coordinate center will not
>>>> change. Thus if you use the voxel-to-RAS matrix to compute the location
>>>> in the scanner of a given col-row-slice, it will do so accurately.
>>>> Given that, can you explain more about what you actually need?
>>>> On 07/08/2015 10:51 AM, von Polier, Georg wrote:
>>>>> Sorry for the confusion: According to the presentation
>>>>> fswiki/CoordinateSystems (below) I meant, the data are in native
>>>>> space/ RAS, with coordinate center not at magnet center, which is
>>>>> what I need.
>>>>> Scanner Space - coordinate center at magnet isocenter, bore axis is
>>>>> Z, X to the left, Y to the ceiling. Direction cosines and P0 defined
>>>>> in DICOM file (note: this is an LPS, not RAS coordinate system)
>>>>> Native - basically the same as scanner, but RAS.
>>>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>> Von: 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> [] Im Auftrag von
>>>>> Douglas Greve
>>>>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2015 16:37
>>>>> An: 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] convert FS volume in scanner space
>>>>> what do you mean the coords are still in RAS?
>>>>> On 7/8/15 8:25 AM, von Polier, Georg wrote:
>>>>>> My command line was
>>>>>> cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/<subjid>/mri
>>>>>> mri_vol2vol --mov brain.mgz --targ rawavg.mgz --regheader --o
>>>>>> brain-in-rawavg.mgz --no-save-reg
>>>>>> according to   fswiki/FsAnat-to-NativeAnat.
>>>>>> As I mentioned, I am happy with the results but the coordinates are
>>>>>> still RAS (from my understanding) and different from the original
>>>>>> dicom-coordinates (that my manual segmentations are in). When I use
>>>>>> mri_convert, the coordinates are in dicom-space (0 in center of
>>>>>> image/ coil; offset and z-axis identical with original dicoms), but
>>>>>> the segmentation seems different/ more prone to artifacts, also
>>>>>> when I use rt- nearest.
>>>>>> Georg
>>>>>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>>> Von: 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> [] Im Auftrag von 
>>>>>> Douglas
>>>>>> Greve
>>>>>> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2015 04:20
>>>>>> An: 
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] convert FS volume in scanner space
>>>>>> what was your vol2vol command line? What wiki page were you
>>>>>> referencing?
>>>>>> What was the problem with the coordinates?
>>>>>> On 7/7/15 8:11 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>>>>>> I think you meant you want nearest neighbor interpolation, not
>>>>>>> trilinear, since you are mapping labels. Try using -rt nearest 
>>>>>>> insted
>>>>>>> On Wed, 8 Jul 2015, von Polier, Georg wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thanks for your reply. I tried mri_convert with -rt interpolate
>>>>>>>> (resulting in trilinear interpolation), however, the results were
>>>>>>>> partially prone to artifacts and different from those I get with
>>>>>>>> mir_vol2vol (but in dicom space).
>>>>>>>> Is there a way using mir_vol2vol with results in dicom space, or
>>>>>>>> a second step that gives a vox2vox from conformed/anatomical
>>>>>>>> space to dicom space?
>>>>>>>> I use the .mgz-output of hippo_subfields (FS_dev).
>>>>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>>>>> Georg
>>>>>>>>> Am 07.07.2015 um 02:34 schrieb Bruce Fischl
>>>>>>>>> < 
>>>>>>>>> <> 
>>>>>>>>> <>>:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Georg
>>>>>>>>> if you have a volume (like the 001.mgz) that is in scanner
>>>>>>>>> coordinates you can use the "reslice like" and "resample type"
>>>>>>>>> flags in mri_convert:
>>>>>>>>> mri_convert -rl 001.mgz -rt trilinear input.mgz output.mgz
>>>>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 6 Jul 2015, von
>>>>>>>>> Polier, Georg wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear FreeSurfers,
>>>>>>>>>> I need to convert an FS-volume back in scanner space (to
>>>>>>>>>> calculate overlap with manual segmentation).
>>>>>>>>>> I went through the wiki-entry and converted to native space
>>>>>>>>>> with mir_vol2vol, however the coordinates are still RAS and not
>>>>>>>>>> identical with the original Scanner-coordinates. I tried
>>>>>>>>>> mri_convert, however, the results were not as good as
>>>>>>>>>> mri_vol2vol (apparently need trilinear interpolation, not
>>>>>>>>>> available in mri_convert).
>>>>>>>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated,
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers, Georg
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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