Dear Freesurfer experts,

I did the retinotopic mapping analysis followed by
and view the results by rtview recommended by you. e.g., for subject s03:

rtview --s s03 --rh --polar --real polar/real.nii.gz --imag
polar/imag.nii.gz --fsig polar/fsig.nii.gz.

rtview seems showing a correct picture with red, blue and green color as
other people showed on literature and internet.

However, I didn't find a detailed manual for the delineation of the
Retinotopic Visual Areas. Hope you guys would answer my basic questions:

1. What's map the delineation based on?  In previous email, Doug told me to
delineat the boarder of visual area by field sign. However, the value show
on the rtview (on the right of "map-real-lh.w" ) is different from the
value of fsig.nii.gz (I loaded it as the overlay and saw two different
values in rtview). So, I really wonder what the value of fsig.nii.gz and
map-real-lh.w represent? Does one of them represent the degree of the wedge
from horizontal which I expected to be the basis of my delineation?

2. Should the delineation be based on the specific value or just the
boarder of the color? For example, I firstly want to define V1, How? Do I
need to define it based on the specific value showed on rtview? or V1 is
always defined on experience of calcarine sulcus and then the boarder of V1
and V2 is defined based on the color change)?

Thanks for your always support!

Mingxia Zhang
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