Hi Andre

they look right, but check the FreeSurferColorLUT.txt file - that is the definitive location

On Fri, 24 Apr 2015, André Schmidt wrote:

Dear freesurfer experts,
I intend to create ROIs from the aparc+seg.mgz file and would like to ask
whether the following assignments are correct (sorry for the long list):

10: left_thalamus
11: left_caudate
12: left_putamen
13: left_pallidum
17: left_hippocampus
18: left_amygdala
26: left_accumbens

49: right_thalamus
50: right_caudate
51: right_putamen
52: right_pallidum
53: right_hippocampus
54: right_amygdala
58: right_accumbens

1001: left_bankssts
1002: left_caudalanteriorcingulate
1003: left_caudalmiddlefrontal
1005: left_cuneus
1006: left_entorhinal
1007: left_fusiform
1008: left_inferiorparietal
1009: left_inferiortemporal
1010: left_isthumscingulate
1011: left_lateraloccipital
1012: left_lateralorbitofrontal
1013: left_lingual
1014: left_medialorbitofrontal
1015: left_middletemporal
1016: left_parahippocampal
1017: left_paracentral
1018: left_parsopercularis
1019: left_parsorbitalis
1020: left_parstriangularis
1021: left_pericalcarine
1022: left_postcentral
1023: left_posteriorcingulate
1024: left_precentral
1025: left_precuneus
1026: left_rostralanteriorcingulate
1027: left_rostralmiddlefrontal
1028: left_superiorfrontal
1029: left_superiorparietal
1030: left_superiortemporal
1031: left_supramarginal
1032: left_frontalpole
1033: left_temporalpole
1034: left_transversetemporal
1035: left_insula

2001: right_banksst
2002: right_caudalanteriorcingulate
2003: right_caudalmiddlefrontal
2005: right_cuneus
2006: right_entorhinal
2007: right_fusiform
2008: right_inferiorparietal
2009: right_inferiortemporal
2010: right_isthumscingulate
2011: right_lateraloccipital
2012: right_lateralorbitofrontal
2013: right_lingual
2014: right_medialorbitofrontal
2015: right_middletemporal
2016: right_parahippocampal
2017: right_paracentral
2018: right_parsopercularis
2019: right_parsorbitalis
2020: right_parstriangularis
2021: right_pericalcarine
2022: right_postcentral
2023: right_posteriorcingulate
2024: right_precentral
2025: right_precuneus
2026: right_rostralanteriorcingulate
2027: right_rostralmiddlefrontal
2028: right_superiorfrontal
2029: right_superiorparietal
2030: right_superiortemporal
2031: right_supramarginal
2032: right_frontalpole
2033: right_temporalpole
2034: right_transversetemporal
2035: right_insula

Many thanks for the check.
Best wishes

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