Thanks Jorge!

In our case, at step 4, an F-test does show significant evidence for a 
quadratic term, but not across the whole brain. We have a strong hypothesis 
that there should be a time effect (linear or quadratic) across most of the 
brain, and it makes sense that some regions will show linear and others will 
show quadratic effects.

We thought that a top-down approach makes sense, whereby we drop the quadratic 
term from the model to investigate significant linear time effects. This 
results in overlap in regions showing a significant quadratic effect (first 
model) and a significant linear effect (second model).

1. Do you have any thoughts on this approach, and on how to decide whether 
there are linear or quadratic effects across different regions of the brain?

2. We also want to look at group differences. We find no significant group x 
quadratic time effects, but we do find significant group x linear time effects 
(in our second model). The significant regions overlap with those regions where 
we found significant quadratic effects for the whole group (first model). While 
this scenario makes sense to me statistically, we have had some researchers 
tell us that this scenario is not possible/doesn't make sense. Do you have any 
advice for looking at group differences in our situation?

Thank you for your time/help.

From: jorge luis []
Sent: Tuesday, 21 April 2015 2:37 AM
To: Sarah Whittle
Subject: Re: advice/question regarding your LME toolbox for freesurfer

Hi Sara

For those analysis I went through the following steps:

First considered a full model for both the mean and the covariance and selected 
the best model for the covariance:

1- Fitted a full model (model1) including intercept, time and time squared as 
both fixed effects and random effects.
2- Separately fitted a model (model2) including intercept, time and time 
squared as fixed effects but only including intercept and time as random 
3- In order to compare the previous models I then applied the likelihood ratio 
test vertex-wise and corrected for multiple comparisons using FDR. The result 
was that over 80% of the vertices showed no significant results for the 
previous test after correcting for multiple comparisons. So the model with 
three random effects wasn't significantly better than the model with two random 
effects and thus I considered model2 a better fit for the data.

Once the best model for the covariance was selected I proceeded to select the 
best model for the mean:
4- I tested the null hypothesis of no quadratic term in the model for the mean 
using an F-test on model2. After correction for multiple comparisons there was 
no significant evidence for a quadratic term so I dropped it from the model for 
the mean. So the final model was one including intercept and time as both fixed 
and random effects. No quadratic term included either in the model for the mean 
or the model for the covariance.

Hope that helps

De: Sarah Whittle <>
Para: "" <>; 
"" <>
Enviado: Lunes 20 de abril de 2015 2:15
Asunto: advice/question regarding your LME toolbox for freesurfer

Dear Dr. Bernal-Rusiel,

I was hoping that you could please give me some advice about model selection 
using the LME tools that you have developed for freesurfer. My colleague has 
posted to the mailing list about this but hasn't got a response.

I am wondering specifically about the best approach for identifying quadratic 
versus linear age effects for mass-univariate analysis of longitudinal data, in 
addition to group differences in linear versus quadratic age effects.

I have read the following in your 2013 paper:

"After correcting for multiple comparisons, over 80% of the cortex vertices 
included both the intercept and time, and not time squared, as the optimal set 
of random effects. Hence, these two random effects were included in the final 
model for all remaining analyses and time squared (the quadratic term) was not 
included as a random effect. We then tested the null hypothesis of no group 
differences in the quadratic term (i.e., the coefficient of the “time squared” 
fixed effect) and no vertex exhibited a statistically significant association 
after multiple comparisons correction. Therefore, we dropped the quadratic term 
from the model."

I was wondering how you did this more specifically? In the model where you 
found >80% vertices included time but not time squared, was this using using 
two contrasts from the same 'full' model? Or did you run one model with only 
linear age effects, and then a second with linear + quadratic effects?

I have a situation where I have both significant linear and quadratic effects 
(after multiple comparison correction), but neither fit >80% vertices. Some 
regions have both linear and quadratic effects.

Do you have any advice/thoughts on representing these results?

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Sarah Whittle, PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre
The University of Melboourne
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