Dear experts, I have some asl data on fsaverage surface and would like to compute them on MNI305 volume. So I executed the commands below, but when merging left and right hemispheres it seems that the *--fillribbon *option on *MNI305.asl.nii.gz* output data didn't work for right hemisphere :
*mri_surf2vol --surfval lh.fsaverage.asl --fillribbon --identity fsaverage --template fsaverage/mri/T1.mgz --hemi lh --o lh.MNI305.asl.nii.gzmri_surf2vol --surfval rh.fsaverage.asl --fillribbon --identity fsaverage --merge lh.MNI305.asl.nii.gz --hemi rh --o MNI305.asl.nii.gz* What should I have to do ? Many thanks in advance for helping ! Best regards, Matthieu
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