Hi Doug,

thanks for your answer. My commands are:

mri_mcsim --o $FREESURFER_HOME/average/mult-comp-cor/fsaverage/lh/labelname  \
          --base mc-z \
         --surface fsaverage lh \
         --nreps 10000 \
         --label /path/to/label/lh.labelname.label

mri_glmfit --C /path/to/contrast/contrast.mtx \
          --fsgd /path/to/fsgd/fsgd_file.fsgd dods \
          --glmdir glm_dir \
          --y /path/to/data/concat_lh_fsaverage_smooth15.mgz \
          --surf fsaverage lh white

mri_glmfit-sim --cache 2.000000 neg \
              --cache-label labelname \
              --cwpvalthresh 0.050000 \
              --glmdir /path/to/glm_dir/glm_dir \
              --overwrite \

(this is for a cross-sectional case. In a longitudinal, I would use the glm_dir 
from a pseudo analysis and replace sig.mgh with the one from the matlab lme 
analysis as you have explained to me in my last thread)


Because I run those commands embedded into a NiPype workflow, I had to modify 
mri_glmfit-sim a little:

1) because (I don't know why) the data file in the glmfit log file was not the 
correct one, mri_glmfit-sim was failing.
--> So I changed the script so that it takes an --y argument (as mri_glmfit) to 
explicitly define the data file

2) because, when I only handed the glm_dir from the preceeding mri_glmfit step, 
different calls to mri_glmfit-sim (e.g., different --cache-label s) were all 
written into the same directory and overwriting each other.
--> So I changed the script to copy the directory specified with --glmdir to 
the current folder and carry out all further operations on it

Here a link to my modified mri_glmfit-sim version 
(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/255214/mri_glmfit-sim_nipype), I hope that 
these changes should not be responsible for the clustering I am experiencing?!

Thanks a lot,


> Can you send your mri_glmfit, mri_glmfit-sim, and mri_mcsim command lines?
> On 03/20/2015 02:24 PM, Janosch Linkersdörfer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a question/problem related to restricting monte carlo cluster 
>> correction to a reduced search space.
>> I have:
>> 1) created a label including the labels of regions I am interested in
>> 2) used mri_mcsim with the --label flag and the label created in 1) to 
>> create 
>> cached monte carlo simulations for the search space
>> 3) used mri_glmfit-sim with the --cache-label flag and the sim created in 2)
>> The result is:
>> - I definitively get more significant clusters than when I use the cortex 
>> label (so there must have been a reduction in search space/no. of vertices), 
>> but
>> - some of these clusters lie only partly inside the regions included in the 
>> label
>> - some lie even completely outside of the label
>> I thought that I should get only clusters within the borders of the label so 
>> that vertices not in the label would not be considered.
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Janosch

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