Thanks Bruce and Doug, this works. Currently, I am trying to do a similar thing, but delimiting the parcellation in one concrete region instead the whole cortex.To do that i tried:
1) Convert the label (concrete brain region) into an annot file [ mris_label2annot ]. 2) Use mris_divide_parcellation. However, I am facing the following error: reading colortable from annotation file... colortable with 2 entries read (originally ColorTest.txt) dividing mask_atrophy (1) into 2 parts allocating new colortable with 2 additional units... Segmentation fault (core dumped) Could you please guide me to solve this issue? Thank you! Victor Montal *** mris_divide_parcellation command ***** mris_divide_parcellation fsaverage lh test.annot splittable.txt finalAnnot.split ****Split table content ***** mask_atrophy 2 **** mris_label2annot command ***** mris_label2annot --s fsaverage --h lh --ctab Test.txt --a test --l mask_region_ROIS.mgh.label ***** CTAB file ***** #No. Label Name: R G B A 1 mask_atrophy 130 0 0 0
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