From Rahul Desikan:
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From: Rahul Desikan <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2015 08:42:31 -0700
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] aparc superior occipital lobe labeled as
parietal (fwd)
Hi Paulo,
This is a good question/observation. From a neuroradiology perspective,
often struggle with the lateral boundary between the occpital and
cortices, often referring to these areas as 'parieto-occipital region'.
medial boundary is a lot easier given the parieto-occipital incisure
(sulcus). Nevertheless, I think it would be worthwhile to revisit this
region (along with others in my parcellation atlas) to see if we can come
with a more
robust delineation. For example, I suspect we may be able to carry forth
parieto-occipital incisure into the lateral hemisphere thus serving as a
guide to differentiate between the two cortices laterally. For your
immediate purposes, I suspect the aparc2009 atlas would be better for
evaluating the posterolateral occipital and parietal cortices.
Warm regards,
11 Mar 2015, wrote:
Hi everybody
I was looking at my subjects and I noted that the superior occipital region
is labeled as superior parietal cortex in the aparc parcelation.
Then I discovered that the "bert" subject, that comes as reference with
freesurfer, and that the fsaverage also have their superior occipital cortex
labeled as superior parietal cortex.
I just asked the freesurfer instructors at an organized freesurfer course
and was intructed to post this observation to the list.
I guess this happens because there is no superior occipital label in the
aparc partcelation. The aparc2009 has it, and the occipital and parietal
cortices are labeled correctly.
Has anyone noticed this before? I guess that if the parietal and/or
occipital lobe are the regions of interest of the study, the aparc2009
parcelation should be used.
Best regards
Paulo Bazán
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