The command I used to visualise the label converted to volume form (using 
mri_label2vol) in tkmedit was 

tkmedit V2_subject5_1 orig.mgz   -overlay V2_lh.mgz  -overlay-reg register.dat 
-fthresh .5 -fmid 1

my tksurfer command was 
tksurfer V2_subject5_1 lh inflated 

where I then attempted to overlay V2_lh.mgz as an overlay using the 
register.dat file to register. This produces no visible overlay. 

I have just retried with fill thresh set to 0 but no change to whether any data 
is visible on the inflated surface. 

V2_colour_lh.mgz is the functional overlay that I want to extract any data 
active within V2 from, this was produced by my usage of mri_vol2surf

mri_vol2surf --src {zstat1} --srcreg {anat2exf.register.dat} --hemi 
{hemi}--projfrac {0.8} --out {V2_colour_lh} --out_type {mgz}

essentially what I wanted was to take mask a functional volume of colour 
activation across the occipital cortex with a V2 mask to only see activation 
within V2 on the inflated surface. 
I have a V2.label file and a V2_colour_lh.mgz file overlaid onto an inflated 
surface using mri_vol2surf.


From: Sarah Finnegan
Sent: 03 March 2015 14:41
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: RE: [Freesurfer] equivalent for fslmaths -mas option in freesurfer

Hi Doug,

Thanks I had hoped to use mri_mask but was foiled in my attempt to convert the 
.label files to .mgz using mri_label2bvol. I assumed I must be on the wrong 

my command was

mri_label2vol --label V2_lh.label --temp f.nii.gz --reg register.dat 
--fillthresh .3 --proj frac 0 1 .1 --subject V2_subject5 --hemi lh --o V2_lh.mgz

I have previously used this command successfully to convert labels for usage in 
FSL. The volume will display using tkmedit on the orig surface, but in tksurfer 
using the inflated surface there is nothing visible when attempting to open as 
an overlay.

I have played around with different options and attempted to move forward to 
mri_mask using the V2_lh.mgz file (hoping to later open the data in tksurfer) 
but the command

mri_mask -transfer 255 -keep_mask_deletion_edits masked_data V2_lh.mgz 
lh_colour.mgz V2_colour_lh.mgz


transfer mask voxels=255 to dst vol
Transferring mask edits ('1' voxels) to dst vol
ERROR: dimension mismatch between source and mask

I assume I must be missing something fundamental in the mri_label2vol command?

Thank you for your help

[] on behalf of Sarah Finnegan 
Sent: 26 February 2015 15:12
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] equivalent for fslmaths -mas option in freesurfer

Hi Bruce

Thanks for your reply,
I did use mri_vol2surf for the sampling

mri_vol2surf --src {zstat1} --srcreg {anat2exf.register.dat} --hemi 
{hemi}--projfrac {0.8} --out {out file name} --out_type {mgz}

I don't believe that I want to average within the ROI. I want to take any 
clusters of activity within V2 and feed this into a script i'm developing in 
MATLAB to work out the distance between different voxel clusters and the size 
of each cluster, but only for within my region defined as V2. Hopefully that 
makes sense, If I average I think I will lose this spatial information?

[] on behalf of Bruce Fischl 
Sent: 26 February 2015 15:04
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] equivalent for fslmaths -mas option in freesurfer

Hi Sarah

have you used mri_vol2surf to sample the data onto the surface? When you
say "extract specific regions of functional data from a flat " do you
want to average within the ROI?

On Thu, 26 Feb 2015, Sarah Finnegan wrote:

> I have a question about the equivalent of fslmaths -mas option in
> freesurfer.
> I have several manually defined labels in .label form that I want to use to
> extract specific regions of functional data from a flat patch. Ordinarily in
> fsl I would just use
> fslmaths -invol {functional_data} -mas {bin_label} -outvol
> {masked_functional_data}
> but I'm a little confused about an equivalent for this in free surfer as I
> don't want to perform any further stats on these ROI yet, extract them from
> any surrounding data and overlay onto the flattened surface.
> I have tried using
> mri_vol2roi --label {V2_rh.label} --srcvol {functional_data.mgz} --srcreg
> {anat2exf.register.dat} --roiavg {func_V2_mask} --finalmskvol
> {func_V2_mask_out}
> but when overlaying the output file there are no data points visible.
> Any help would be great as several other functions that I have tried seem to
> be obsolete,
> Thanks!
> Sarah
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