Hi Tom - These are reasonable values for mean diffusivity (a.k.a. ADC). Only FA is normalized to take values in the 0-1 range.


On Wed, 11 Feb 2015, Thomas Potrusil wrote:

Dear FreeSurfers!
A question concerning DTI analysis came up:
I already run dt_recon on my dataset which works very well. I also used the 
output to extract FA-values of distinct ROIs - no Problem. Now I want to do the 
same for ADC but I only get
values in my .stats files like 0.0007 or 0.0008.
I use the following code:
dt_recon --i $dcmfile --b bvals bvecs --s $subj --o $outdir_dt_recon
mri_vol2vol --mov $outdir_dt_recon/adc.nii \   --reg 
$outdir_dt_recon/register.dat \   --fstarg --interp nearest \   --o 
mri_segstats \   --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/$subj/mri/wmparc.mgz \   --ctab 
$FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt \   --id 12 --id 51 --id 2 --id 41 --id 
16 --id 13 --id 52 --id 27 --id 59\  
--i $outdir_dt_recon/adc.anat.mgh --seg-erode 1 --sum $outdir_dt_recon/adc.stats
When I load adc.anat.mgh into FreeView and scroll to a ROI, I can see a value 
like 0.000770333! This means (for me) that the value is 'there' but has to be 
multiplied by 10^3?! Do you
have any suggestions how I can get these values to a .stats file?
Thanks a lot,

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