On 2/3/15 4:21 AM, Schweren, LJS (med) wrote:

Thank you Doug!

One more question for clarification:

“You would remove the quadratic term from the FSGD file, then create an image of quadradic values for each veretx and pass that with --pvr to glmfit”.

My quadratic value (age-squared) is a constant per participant. Do you mean I should create an image file per subject, where each vertex has the same value, namely age-squared of that subject? Next I should concatenate these files in FSGD-order to create a stacked mgz file, right?

Yes. I assumed from your question that you would set some of the vertices = 0 in the case where you thought that having a quad term was not helpful.

Second question: is there a way to hierarchically order the pvr-s, such that pvr 1 can only be included when pvr 2 is also included?

No, it is an all-or-nothing kind of thing.

Thanks again,


*From:*freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu [mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu] *On Behalf Of *Douglas Greve
*Sent:* maandag 2 februari 2015 17:19
*To:* freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
*Subject:* Re: [Freesurfer] vertexwise statistical modeling

On 2/2/15 3:56 AM, Schweren, LJS (med) wrote:

    Dear freesurfer experts,

    I investigate case-control differences in cortical thickness in a
    group of 11 to 30 year olds. I ran vertex-wise analyses with
    glmfit, with covariates age and age-squared, to take into account
    confounding by age as we have a very wide age range. I use
    monte-carlo simulation testing. What results is the following:

    -some clusters of between-group difference (which I was looking
    for, no worries here)

    -a cluster covering almost the entire cortex being negatively
    correlated to the linear age term (which I understand, overall
    decreasing CT with increasing age)

    -2 small clusters correlated to the quadratic age term

    Given these results, if I want to model age optimally, I should
    include the quadratic age-term only in some vertices but not in
    others, right? I have two questions:

    1.Is there a way to include different covariates in different
    vertices, still doing the vertex-wise analyses of the entire brain?

You can use the per-vertex regressor option (--pvr) to mri_glmfit. So you would remove the quadratic term from the FSGD file, then create an image of quadradic values for each veretx and pass that with --pvr to glmfit.

2.I apply a cluster-size threshold for the initial results, because I want to be sure about the case-control clusters. However for the covariates, if I can optimize the model per vertex, I would rather not use this threshold to be more sensitive. How could I go about this?

Uncorrected results are stored in the sig.mgh file

Thank you, your help is very much appreciated!

Best wishes,


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