Dear all,

while working in Matlab with modified surfaces I came along the following 

After reading a surface file in Matlab with read_surf.m and saving it again 
(unmodified) using write_surf.m the entries are the same, as expected.
However, the visualisation of these (same) surfaces in FreeView seems to be 
The error occurs "... valid volume geometry information is missing" while 
opening the unmodified, but saved surface.
Does anyone have an idea whether this is just a FreeView problem or some 
geometry information was really lost while saving, how to overcome this issue?

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

P.S. The Matlab code consists of just 2 lines of reading and saving the same 
file under a different name.

    %read the surface file
    [verticesWhite, facesWhite] = read_surf(['.../surf/lh.white']);
    %save the same surface file without changes
    write_surf(['.../surf/lh.white_Resafed'],verticesWhite, ( facesWhite+1));
    %read the safed unchanged surface file
    [verticesWhiteResafed, facesWhiteResafed] = 
    % verticesWhite, facesWhite; verticesWhiteResafed, facesWhiteResafed are 
exactly the same
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