I don't have a core paper on the area mapping (which is more complicated 
than mapping thickness). Anderson Winkler wrote a paper on the subject, 
but we are not using his method. Our method is relatively simple. Each 
vertex in fsaverage is mapped back to the individual to find the closest 
vertex. The thickness or area at this vertex is then assigned to the 
vertex in fsaverage. There will be some fsaverage vertices that map to 
the same vertex in the individual. For thickness, this is not a problem. 
For area or volume, we divide the value by the number of fsaverage 
vertices that share the individual vertex to preserve the total. This 
may leave some vertices in the individual that were never a closest 
vertex. We loop through these vertices and do a reverse map back to 
fsaverage to find the closest vertex. These fsaverage vertices will then 
have multiple vertices from the individual.  For thickness, we compute 
the mean of the source vertices. For area or volume we compute the sum 
(must preserve the total).

make sense?

On 01/16/2015 12:00 AM, Bronwyn Overs wrote:
> I meant that as well as the mapping of the area to the average space.
> Kind regards,
> Bronwyn Overs
> Research Assistant
> Neuroscience Research Australia
> Neuroscience Research Australia
> Margarete Ainsworth Building
> Barker Street Randwick Sydney NSW 2031 Australia
> *M* 0411 308 769 *T* +61 2 9399 1883 *F* +61 2 9399 1265
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> On 16/01/2015 3:58 pm, Douglas Greve wrote:
>> The computation is pretty simple, it is just the average of the area 
>> of the surrounding triangle. Is that what you mean or do you mean the 
>> mapping of said area to the average space?
>> doug
>> On 1/15/15 11:37 PM, Bronwyn Overs wrote:
>>> Dear Mailing List,
>>> I would like to understand how freesurfer calculates the surface 
>>> area at each voxel to be used in the GLM procedure. Is there a key 
>>> methods paper that describes this process, and can this method be 
>>> explained in simple terms?
>>> -- 
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Bronwyn Overs
>>> Research Assistant
>>> Neuroscience Research Australia
>>> Neuroscience Research Australia
>>> Margarete Ainsworth Building
>>> Barker Street Randwick Sydney NSW 2031 Australia
>>> *M* 0411 308 769 *T* +61 2 9399 1883 *F* +61 2 9399 1265
>>> neura.edu.au <http://neura.edu.au>
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>>> the NeuRA Magazine <http://www.neura.edu.au/help-research/subscribe>
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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