Dear Freesurfers,

I have a question about mri_glmfit for surface analyses. I have until 
now used covariates which provided one value for each subject (e.g., 
Age) but was wondering if it is possible to use covariates that have 
different values for each vertex.

I would like to perform a GLM analysis of thickness with another 
surface-based measure as covariate. For example, Salat et al. (2009) 
analysed the effect of age on GWR (ratio of gray matter - white matter) 
and regressed out thickness at each vertex along the cortical surface 
(i.e., an individual model for each vertex utilizing the thickness and 

My question is: is this possible in mri_glmfit as applied in Freesurfer 
and if so, how to do it? If not, are there other tools that might help 
me out?

Reference: Salat, Lee, van der Kouwe et al. (2009). Age-associated 
alterations in cortical gray and white-matter signal intensity and gray 
to white matter contrast. NeuroImage, 48, 21-8.

Thank you very much in advance for your time and help!

Ruthger Righart

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