Hi Pradeep

we haven't found much difference in terms of how well we process, but 
there hasn't been a lot of work done (a bit in Asian vs. Caucasian). 
We do estimate total intracranial volume (eTIV), which is in the stats file 
and can be used as a regressor


On Mon, 15 Dec 2014, pradeep mahato wrote:

> Hello Experts,
> There is a significant differences between a African, Asian or a Caucasian
> brain size.
> How does FreeSurfer recon-all performs for these different types of brain.
> I am doing brain MRI analysis for Asian brain, will the default brain atlas
> will be ok?
> If not how do I load another brain atlas in FreeSurfer.
> Thanking You
> Pradeep Kumar Mahato
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