Thanks again, yes that's what it looks like, but I just have one concern, if I 
have to manually edit dura and wm in all the slices and in most of the 
subjects, will it still give me reliable cortical thickness measure?

[] on behalf of Bruce Fischl 
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 2:30 PM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Image normalization and pial/wm error

Hi Sneha

then I think manually editing is your best bet (sorry)

On Fri, 10 Oct 2014, Sneha Pandya wrote:

> Hi Bruce,
> Yes, there is a lot of dura. Unfortunately we do not have either flair or
> T2 as a reference to remove dura. I tried running gcut to cut off dura,
> it still won't help and I still had to manually edit whole volume to get
> rid of it. If it helps I can send you orig.mgz, nu.mgz and brainmask.mgz
> post graph cut to look at. However for other structures it is difficult
> to tell about the accuracy because I feel contrast is a little poor.
> Sequence of this subject is spgr with voxel size of
> 1.01mm*1.35mm*1.5mm(sl. thk), with 26FOV. I even used cw256 flag to
> restrict the field of view. So not really sure why is segmentation so
> poor.
> Other subjects in this dataset has between 20 to 25FOV, and varying voxel
> size from 0.93*1.25*1.5 to 1*1*2.
> Thanks,
> Sneha
> _______________________________________
> From: 
> [] on behalf of Bruce Fischl 
> []
> Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 1:58 PM
> To: Freesurfer support list
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Image normalization and pial/wm error
> Hi Sneha
> it looks like it is grabbing a bunch of dura. Do you happen to have a
> hires T2 or flair image? If so, you can use that in recon-all
> postprocessing to remove the dura. If not you can try using the graph
> cuts skull stripping to get rid of some of it. I can't tell the accuracy
> of the surfaces in other locations in the images. Other than dura is it
> reasonably acurate?
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Fri, 10 Oct 2014, Sneha Pandya wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am running recon-all on few SPGR T1s and few MPRAGE T1s. However most of
>> my dataset, may it be SPGR or MPRAGE has some artifacts and poor wm/gm
>> contrast. Have attached a screen shot of bad pial and wm error (going beyond
>> dura). Even gcut did not do a good job of cutting of all the dura, and I had
>> to manually edit voxels in all the slices. I feel even after that if I run
>> recon-all, it will not give me any reliable cortical thickness measures.
>> Can anyone please suggest me if I should still manually edit all other
>> subjects for all the slices throughout the volume or exclude them from
>> analysis?
>> PS: attached image FOV is 260 and I used -cw256 flag to restrict FOV to 256.
>> For other images FOV is within 256, but still there is lot of dura in the
>> brainmask.
>> Thanks,
>> Sneha
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