I see. Sorry, I don't think we support it then
On Thu, 2 Oct 2014, Svetlana
Soloveva wrote:
Hi Bruce,
Thnaks! I think it is CTF MEG MRI file created by MRIConverter.
2014-10-02 8:35 GMT-04:00 Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
Hi Svetlana
what format is *.mri? I don't think I've ever heard of it
On Thu, 2 Oct 2014, Svetlana Soloveva wrote:
Dear all,
If I understand correctly, it is recommended to use
original MRI files as an
input. However, I have only *.mri file. First, I was
able to run
reconstruction following fieldtrip pipeline which
includes some
preprocessing of *.mri and writing resulting files
in *.mgz format that can
be used by Freesurfer. Is there any other way to
work with *.mri files in
Freesurfer without these preprocessing steps?
Many thanks!
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