-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        OHBM 2015 Call for Council Nominations
Date:   Wed, 01 Oct 2014 15:28:53 -0500


Dear OHBM Member:

Strong leadership is the key component to setting and accomplishing 
OHBM’s strategic goals and in anticipating future needs. The OHBM 
Nominating Committee will continue to work diligently to develop a slate 
of candidates for election on the Executive Council, but *we need your 
participation now in identifying candidates.*

The Nominating Committee is pleased to invite OHBM members to nominate 
individuals to serve on the OHBM Executive Council.  Open positions 
include Chair-Elect, Secretary-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, Program 
Chair-Elect and Education Chair-Elect.  The term of service begins in 
June 2015, and each term is for three years.  Please make your 
nominations by completing the *Call for Nominations* 
<> form no 
later than *Friday, November 14^th at* *11:59 PM US CST*.  
Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged.

The OHBM By-Laws 
Article 5 provides the framework and process for the election of new 
Council members.

*OHBM Nominating Committee:*
Doug Greve, Secretary
Tonya White, Secretary-Elect
Simon Eickhoff, Past Secretary
Karen Berman, Chair
Karl Zilles, Chair-Elect
Steve Smith, Past Chair

You must, when making your nominations, specify a position you want the 
person to fill (Chair Elect, Treasurer Elect, Secretary Elect, Program 
Chair Elect, Education Chair-Elect).  Please check with this person 
before you make the nomination to be sure they would be interested in 

Once the final slate is prepared and distributed, members will be able 
to see a brief bio on each candidate and vote online via the OHBM 
website. The results of these elections will be announced during the 
Town Hall Meeting, Wednesday, June 17, 2015, during the OHBM Annual 
Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.  All candidates identified on the ballot 
will be informed of the results prior to the Annual Meeting.

*Current 2014-2015 OHBM Council:*

  * Karen Berman, Chair
  * Karl Zilles, Chair-Elect
  * Steve Smith, Past Chair
  * Jeanette Mumford, Treasurer
  * Kevin Murphy, Treasurer-Elect
  * Jia-Hong Gao, Past Treasurer
  * Doug Greve, Secretary
  * Tonya White, Secretary-Elect
  * Simon Eickhoff, Past Secretary
  * Jack Van Horn, Program Chair
  * Andreas Kleinschmidt, Program Chair-Elect
  * Pedro Valdes Sosa, Past Program Chair
  * Niko Kriegeskorte, Chair Education Subcommittee
  * Martin Lindquist, Chair-Elect Education Subcommittee

Councilors are not eligible for re-election for three years after 
serving one term. Individuals who are currently ineligible as nominees 
due to service on Council within the past 3 years are listed below.

*Not Eligible Until 2017/2018*

  * Susan Bookheimer, 2013-2014 Chair
  * Julian Doyon, 2013-2014 Treasurer
  * Thomas Nichols, 2013-2014 Secretary
  * Peter Bandettini, 2013-2014 Program Chair
  * Klaas Enno Stephan, 2013-2014 Education Chair

*Not Eligible Until 2016/2017*

  * Maurizio Corbetta, 2011-2012 Chair
  * Christian Beckmann, 2011-2012 Treasurer
  * Hugh Garavan, 2011-2012 Secretary
  * Katrin Amunts, 2011-2012 Program Chair
  * Michael Beauchamp, 2011-2012 Education Chair

We look forward to your involvement in the identification and election 
of your association’s leadership.   Please contact the OHBM Executive 
Office at <> 
with any questions.


JoAnn Taie
Executive Director
Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)


*Organization for Human Brain Mapping*
5841 Cedar Lake Road, Suite 204
Minneapolis, MN 55416 USA
Phone: 1 952-646-2029
Fax: 1 952-545-6073 <> <>

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