You can run mri_glmfit-sim using the same voxel-wise threshold and 
setting the clusterwise threshold to .5. This will create several files. 
One will be called something like {csdbase}.y.ocn.annot. Load this in 
tksurfer or freeview to find which cluster corresponds to your cluster. 
Then look in {csdbase}.y.ocn.dat. This will be a matrix with number of 
rows equal to the number subjects and number of columns equal to the 
number of clusters. Take the column that corresponds to your cluster.

On 09/23/2014 11:33 PM, wang kangcheng wrote:
> Dear experts
> I have question regarding extracting the individual cortical volume 
> value of significant cluster after RFT correction. I have 209 subjects 
> in an analysis and G_pariet_inf-Angularshowing significant correction 
> with score of autism after RFT correction using command of 
> mri_surfrft_jlbr in Matlab, how
> do I export individual subjects cortical volume values for significant 
> regions ? In addition, I did not analyze it using QDEC and just use command 
> following reference 
> (
> Thank you and hope for responses.
> With best Regards,
> kangcheng Wang
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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