You can try just re-running "trac-prep -prior" and "trac-paths" for the L uncinate and no other tracts

On 09/11/2014 02:58 PM, Michele Cavallari wrote:
So, I re-ran the case with the set reinit option. It "half" worked! the sense that the new results show the left uncinate right, but the right-side one is still a dot (see screenshot of the brain view from the bottom).
Any further suggestion?

Inline image 2

On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 1:36 PM, Michele Cavallari < <>> wrote:

    Thanks! it's running...

    On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Barbara Kreilkamp
    < <>> wrote:

        Hi Michele,

        Don't think there is anything wrong with the attached
        dmrirc.tutorial file.
        You definitely need to add the '-c' flag infront of the path
        to your configuration file.
        Right now it reads the path to your file as a flag, which is
        of course not what you want.


        On 11/09/2014 17:49, Michele Cavallari wrote:
        Hi Anastasia,
        I am probably doing something wrong with the syntax of the
        dmrirc file.
        I get this error message

        trac-all -prior

        ERROR: flag


        Could you please check the attached file?

        On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 1:51 PM, Anastasia Yendiki
        <>> wrote:

            Thanks, Michele. Hard to tell what's causing this,
            perhaps a bit of distortion orbitofrontally. You may be
            able to fix this type of thing by reinitializing the
            tract reconstruction: Add "set reinit = 1" to your
            configuration file, set the pathlist to include only the
            left and right uncinate, and then rerun the -prior and
            -path steps of trac-all on this subject.

            On Wed, 10 Sep 2014, Michele Cavallari wrote:

                uploaded (and activated).Thanks!

                On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Anastasia Yendiki
                <>> wrote:

                      Hi Michele - The anatomical segmentation does
                look good, but from the
                      screenshot the DWI data seems to be noisy in
                the orbitofrontal area, which
                      may be affecting the uncinate. It's hard to
                tell just from one slice.

                      If you upload all the tracula output
                directories of this subject (dmri,
                      dmri.bedpostX, dlabel, dpath) for me here, I'll
                take a look:


                      On Wed, 10 Sep 2014, Michele Cavallari wrote:

                            Hi Anastasia,I completed the tracula
                            By looking at the tractography results in
                the viewer I noticed
                            that the uncinate
                            fasciculus is pretty small (see attached
                screenshot). It
                            actually appears as a small
                            blue dot. And the problem is both on the
                left and right side.
                            The other tracts look
                            fine. I played with threshold, but the
                size didn't increase. So,
                            I guess that something
                            wrong happened with the tractography of
                that particular bundle.
                            I checked the aparc+aseg
                            output (attached): it seems right to me,
                but could you please
                            Let me also know if you have any
                suggestions, and if you need
                            more information or output

                            Inline image 1

                            On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 11:55 PM,
                Anastasia Yendiki
                <>> wrote:

                                  Hi Ludy - If your gradient table is
                formatted in 3 rows
                            you need to

                                  1. Convert it to 3 columns so you
                can use it with the 5.3
                            version of
                                  tracula, which requires the
                gradient table to be formatted
                            in columns


                                  2. Download the tracula update that
                can use gradient
                            tables formatted in

                                  Hope this helps,

                                  On Thu, 4 Sep 2014,
                <> wrote:

                                  > Hi,
                                  > I was having similar errors as
                Michele Cavallari
                            regarding "error reading
                /path/to/subject/dmri/dwi_frame," but I'm not sure it's
                            related to my bvecs
                                  file. I did try reconfiguring my
                bvecs file into columns
                            instead of row just
                                  in case, but that didn't solve the
                problem. It really just
                            looks like it
                                  can't find the dwi_frame file after
                the mri_concat
                                  > I am attaching my trac-all.log
                and config file.
                                  > Running Freesurfer 5.3 on Macbook
                OS 10.7.5. The bvecs
                            files were
                                  generated after I converted my
                dicoms to nifti using
                            dcm2niigui (GE
                                  > Can anyone tell me how dwi_frame
                is generated?
                                  > Ludy
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