Hi David - On the difference between .thresh and "not .thresh" labels: The 
BA labels come from averaging histologically derived labels from a set of 
post mortem brains. The non-thresholded version is just the sum of the 
corresponding labels from the different brains in fsaverage space. So 
vertices are included even if only one of the brains had their BA in that 
vertex, which means that these labels are going to be rather large. In the 
thresholded version, a threshold has been applied to the average BA label, 
to make it have an area as close as possible to the average area of the 
individual BA labels. I hope this makes sense.


On Mon, 8 Sep 2014, David Provencher wrote:

> Hi Bruce,
> First of all, thanks for the reply! There was a typo in my initial question, 
> so I
> rewrote it to make it clearer :
> # convert labels to annotation (outputs lh.myAnnot.annot & rh.myAnnot.annot)
> mris_label2annot --s  <subject> --h lh --l lh.V1.label --l lh.V2.label --l 
> lh.label --ct
> ab BA.ctab --a myAnnot
> mris_label2annot --s  <subject> --h rh --l rh.V1.label --l rh.V2.label --l 
> rh.label --ct
> ab BA.ctab --a myAnnot
> # convert ?h.myAnnot.annot files to volume
> mri_aparc2aseg --s <subject> --annot myAnnot.annot --o mySeg.mgz
> I had not noticed the ?h.BA.annot and ?h.BA.thresh.annot files so I was 
> trying to create
> an annotation with the labels I was interested in (V1, V2, MT). Maybe I 
> misunderstood
> what an annotation is, but I thought it was just a collection of labels. I'm 
> not sure
> what the difference is between .thresh and "not .thresh" labels. Anyway, 
> whether I run
> the code above or just the following :
> # convert ?h.BA.annot to volume
> mri_aparc2aseg --s <subject> --annot BA --o BAseg.mgz
> when I open the .mgz file in freeview, something is obviously wrong (see
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/evthp4sx40azost/BAseg.png?dl=0 and
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5s7wcwywlaq68o/mySeg.png?dl=0).
> In comparison, when I convert either the ?h.myAnnot.annot or ?h.BA.annot 
> files using
> mri_label2vol, it seems fine (see
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/avo1ot8bitbaeeo/BAlabels.png?dl=0).
> regards,
> David
> On 14-09-08 10:37 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> p.s. probably you should use the ?h.BA.thresh.annot, which is the annot 
> containing the labels thresholded to have the correct area
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Mon, 8 Sep 2014, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi David
> what is the annot you are using in mris_label2annot? is it the
> ?h.BA.annot?
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Mon, 8 Sep 2014, David Provencher wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to freesurfer and I am trying to figure our how to extract 3d
> masks in native space for the visual cortex (BA 17,18,19) of individual
> subjects. I have looked at other threads similar to this, but there are
> still a few things I can't figure out in generating the masks (the
> conversion to native space should be fine).
> 1-  I ran recon-all and I have V1, V2 and MT labels. My knowledge of
> brain anatomy is very limited, but if I understand correctly, this
> equates to BA 17, 18 and V5, so I don't have access to all of B19 (V3,
> V4 and V5), right?
> 2- I managed to convert V1, V2 and MT labels to 3d masks using
> mri_label2vol and it seems to work at first glance when I looked at the
> generated file with freeView. However, I read in the mailing list that
> mri_label2vol produces "patchy" volumes and that it is preferable to use
> mri_aparc2aseg instead. That's what I can't figure out. From what I
> understand, mri_aparc2aseg aims to map the surface labels of interest to
> the segmented volumes? I tried doing the following (I altered some file
> names/paths for readability):
> # convert labels to annotation (outputs lh.myAnnot.annot &
> rh.myAnnot.annot))
> mris_label2annot --s  <subject> --h lh --l lh.V1.label --l lh.V2.label
> ---l lh.label --ctab BA.ctab --a annot
> mris_label2annot --s  <subject> --h rh --l rh.V1.label --l rhV2.label
> ---l rh.label --ctab BA.ctab --a annot
> # convert to volume
> mri_aparc2aseg --s <subject> --annot  myAnnot.annot --o lh.asegTest.mgz
> When I look at the asegTest.mgz file in freeView, I only see segmented
> cortical volumes and I can't see anything related to V1, V2 or MT, so I
> assume that I don't use mri_aparc2aseg correctly, but I can't manage to
> make it work.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> David
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