Try loading aseg.mgz as the aux volume so you can see the number at a 
particular voxel. If the color is not correct, see what the number is 
and what it corresponds to in the LUT

On 08/19/2014 05:57 PM, C.P. Frost wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to use Freeview to display subcortical regions in aseg.mgz 
> with a custom color lookup table. RGB colors will indicate on a jet 
> scheme how well that region's volume correlates to performance on a 
> behavioral measure. In other words, an R^2 coefficient of -1 is dark 
> blue, 0 is green, and 1 is dark red. I adapted the approach for aseg 
> structures from this method: 
> When I try right now, by e.g. loading 
> subjects_dir/average/mri/aseg.mgz, and choosing Color map > Lookup 
> Table, Lookup Table > Load lookup table... and selecting my custom 
> table file, it *almost* works. The file is copied below (it has no 
> headers).
> 4 Left-Lateral-Ventricle 92 255 163 0
> 5 Left-Inf-Lat-Vent 224 255 31 0
> 7 Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter 112 255 143 0
> 8 Left-Cerebellum-Cortex 133 255 122 0
> 10 Left-Thalamus-Proper 153 255 102 0
> 11 Left-Caudate 102 255 153 0
> 12 Left-Putamen 61 255 194 0
> 13 Left-Pallidum 102 255 153 0
> 14 3rd-Ventricle 0 224 255 0
> 15 4th-Ventricle 61 255 194 0
> 16 Brain-Stem 71 255 184 0
> 17 Left-Hippocampus 102 255 153 0
> 18 Left-Amygdala 41 255 214 0
> 26 Left-Accumbens-area 92 255 163 0
> 28 Left-VentralDC 122 255 133 0
> 30 Left-vessel 102 255 153 0
> 31 Left-choroid-plexus 102 255 153 0
> 43 Right-Lateral-Ventricle 173 255 82 0
> 44 Right-Inf-Lat-Vent 122 255 133 0
> 41 Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter 82 255 173 0
> 42 Right-Cerebellum-Cortex 122 255 133 0
> 49 Right-Thalamus-Proper 173 255 82 0
> 50 Right-Caudate 143 255 112 0
> 51 Right-Putamen 92 255 163 0
> 52 Right-Pallidum 41 255 214 0
> 53 Right-Hippocampus 133 255 122 0
> 54 Right-Amygdala 20 255 235 0
> 58 Right-Accumbens-area 82 255 173 0
> 60 Right-VentralDC 122 255 133 0
> 62 Right-vessel 122 255 133 0
> 63 Right-choroid-plexus 143 255 112 0
> 72 5th-Ventricle 92 255 163 0
> 85 Optic-Chiasm 112 255 143 0
> 251 CC_Posterior 71 255 184 0
> 252 CC_Mid_Posterior 31 255 224 0
> 253 CC_Central 10 255 245 0
> The index numbers were chosen to match those found in the default aseg 
> LUT, as listed on the FS wiki: FSTutorial > AnatomicalROI > 
> FreeSurferColorLUT. Some regions appear correctly, but others either 
> a) display with incorrect labels, particularly 
> Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter or Right-Cerebellum-Cortex on *cortical* 
> white matter and ribbon, or b) display with no label in the info 
> panel, which makes it unclear whether it's working.
> Notes:
> - Originally indices were simply 1 to n, but that caused a wider array 
> of problems, and I inferred (perhaps incorrectly) freeview was 
> matching regions with indices rather than label names.
> -This particular map is mostly green since most correlations are 
> small, which is fine; others will have a broader range of values.
> -I'm not sure what the effect is of pressing the "Show existing labels 
> only" toggle, which eliminates a couple areas from the label list, but 
> it's unclear how it chooses them.
> Can anyone offer advice on how to ensure the correct colors are 
> displayed in the correct regions? (Or an easier way to do this?)
> Cheers,
> C.P. Frost
> UW-Madison
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