The command line for mapping the labels from fsaverage to the subject (april) 

mri_label2label —srcsubject fsaverage —srclabel rh.aprilOne.label —trgsubject 
april —trglabel rh.aprilOne.label —hemi rh —regmethod surface

this was repeated 5 more times for labels rh.aprilTwo.label to rh.aprilSix.label

The command line for creating the annot file on the subject (april) was 

mris_label2annot —s april —h rh —ctab april.annot.ctab —a rh.april —l 
rh.aprilOne.label —l rh.aprilTwo.label —l rh.aprilThree.label —l 
rh.aprilFour.label —l rh.aprilFive.label —l rh.aprilSix.label

We initially defined the label using tksurfer on the pial surface to utilize 
the fold lines to define the regions. We then ran through the above process and 
found that the regions were showing substantial holes. We then tried redefining 
the regions on the inflated surface of fsaverage using tksurfer (calling the 
labels back in on the inflated surface, tracing the outlines and re-saving). We 
repeated the mapping and annot file creation and this substantially reduced the 
number of holes in the regions mapped onto our subjects but holes were still 
present (as shown in previous images).

On Aug 1, 2014, at 4:12 PM, Douglas N Greve <> wrote:

> what was your command line?
> On 07/21/2014 03:43 PM, April Clausen wrote:
>> Hi Dr. Greve, I tried to upload the images with the Martinos Centre Dropbox 
>> but I could not activate the dropbox … so the images are attached. The 6 
>> labels and annot file were created on fsaverage and the image shows no holes 
>> in the regions. The 6 labels were mapped to a subject and an annot file was 
>> created … the subject files shows holes in the regions.
>> April Clausen
> -- 
> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> MGH-NMR Center
> Phone Number: 617-724-2358
> Fax: 617-726-7422
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