
I have been following the steps for longitudinal processing from here (
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/LongitudinalTwoStageModel), and
was hoping for some advice on how to setup the GLM.

I have a set of data where I have 2 time points for all subjects, have run
recon-all, qcache, the base and cross steps of processing. I also ran the
long mri_slopes step, created my long.qdec table, then created the
simplified table for qdec.

I would like to perform a whole brain analysis where I identify any brain
regions that changed (volume or cortical thickness) from time point 1 and
time point 2. I am a little unclear on what the explanatory variable should
be performing this analysis. Any suggestions on how best to structure the
analysis would be greatly appreciated.

Best wishes,

Salil Soman, MD, MS
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