Dear FreeSurfer Experts,

I am running an analysis in Qedc that include 2 groups (Control and Heart
Failure). I want to see the cortical thickness difference between these 2
groups, with age and gender as a co-variate, not interested in any
correlation analysis.

In Qdec, Model factors have three options that include the fixed factor,
continuous factor (Co-variate) and Nuisance. So groups (control and heart
failure) belongs to fixed factor while age and gender belongs to both
continuous factor and Nuisance.

When I am running this analysis in Qdec by selecting the model that include
only group in the model the contrast vector in the Qdec terminal is 1, -1,
and its fine.

But when I am selecting the model that includes age and gender as a
nuisance, the contrast vector showing 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0.

So my question is why we have two extra 0, 0 in contrast vector, it should
be 1 -1 0 0.

Another question: When I finished the analysis in Qdec and got the state
data tables, that have 18 files, with volume, area, curv and thickness from
both sides. I am interested in thickness and its have four files with left
and right. lh.aparc.a2009s and lh.aparc, I am not sure what file should i
used for the analysis. I believe for left side qdec is using lh.aparc, Is I
am right?

With Regards,

Santosh K. Yadav

With Best Regards,
Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Anesthesiology

University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90034

Phone No. 808-5896940
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