Dear Doug and All,

I want to register the individual subject surface into the fsaverage surface. I 
used mdi_surf2surf command. But one error occurred. Could you please help me 
with this. Here are the scripts:


[root@localhost sub001]# mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject sub001 
--srcsurfval thickness --src_type curv --trgsubject fsaverage --trgsurfval 
srcsubject = sub001
srcval     = thickness
srctype    = curv
trgsubject = fsaverage
trgval     = ./sub001-thickness-lh.img
trgtype    = 
srcsurfreg = sphere.reg
trgsurfreg = sphere.reg
srchemi    = lh
trghemi    = lh
frame      = 0
fwhm-in    = 0
fwhm-out   = 0
label-src  = (null)
label-trg  = (null)
OKToRevFaceOrder  = 1
Reading source surface reg 
Loading source data
Reading curvature file 
Reading target surface reg 
Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface
surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16).
Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842)

surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16).
Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (132230)
Reverse Loop had 21224 hits
Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842)
INFO: nSrcLost = 0
nTrg121 = 146822, nTrgMulti = 17020, MnTrgMultiHits = 2.247
nSrc121 = 93121, nSrcLost =     0, nSrcMulti = 39109, MnSrcMultiHits = 2.35099
Saving target data
Saving to ./sub001-thickness-lh.img
ANALYZE FORMAT ERROR: ncols 163842 in volume exceeds 32768

Thank you very much!


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