Thank you Bruce. I can load it as patch as you suggested. I can also load
the curvatures to color it. Thus I imagine in the data, there would be 2D
locations of the vertices, and their indices respect to the full surface.
Is it true? How can I read this information (e.g. into matlab) ?
Thanks again! Also thanks to anyone who would like to comment!


On Fri, May 9, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Bruce Fischl <>wrote:

> Hi Peng
> the flat maps are stored in a different format than the surfaces, called a
> "patch" format (since they are only a piece of the whole surface - not the
> entire thing). You can load them with file->load patch in tksurfer. Not
> sure about freeview, perhaps Ruopeng can comment?
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Fri, 9 May 2014, peng wrote:
>> More information, error from tksurfer is as following:
>> ========================
>> MRISalloc(16711682, 480): could not allocate vertices
>> Cannot allocate memory
>> ============
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: peng <>
>> Date: Fri, May 9, 2014 at 1:01 PM
>> Subject: a question on flat surface
>> To: "" <>
>> Hi Freesurfers,
>>    I have tried to obtain a flat surface as described by the upper part
>> (full cortex) of the following page:
>>    However, I failed to load the results in freeview (it took forever),
>> nor
>> can I read in matlab with read_surf. The error in matlab is as following
>> ======
>> Error using reshape
>> To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change.
>> Error in read_surf (line 77)
>> vertex_coords = reshape(vertex_coords, 3, vnum)' ;
>> ======
>>    Thus I suspect in the newly generated surface, the number of vertices
>> in
>> the header does not meet that indicated by the data. I did sth wrong.
>> Questions:
>> 1 Is this webpage still up-to-date or I shall try something new to flatten
>> the surface?
>> 2 Probably there are "frequently made mistakes" during my manual process,
>> would you please give me a hint? I my case afterwards mris_flatten took
>> 2-3
>> hours.
>> btw: the inflated surface is OK either checked by freeview or matlab.
>> best
>> Peng
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