muen223-105-dhcp:subjects rupasabbineni$ mris_anatomical_stats -l new.label
-a aparc.a2009s.annot -log outSUB1_lhVOL2 SUB1 lh
limiting computations to label
computing statistics for each annotation in aparc.a2009s.annot.
outputting results to outSUB1_lhVOL2...
reading volume /Volumes/DISK/Software/freesurfer/subjects/SUB1/mri/wm.mgz...
reading input surface
reading input pial surface
reading input white surface
reading colortable from annotation file...
colortable with 76 entries read (originally
Segmentation fault: 11

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Rupa Sabbineni <> wrote:

> Good morning!
> I was trying to run the mris_anatomical_stats command and for some
> subjects I keep getting Segmentation fault:11 error.
> Some of the posts in the archive suggested that I run the recon-all
> command since it usually means that subjects surfaces are out of sync SO I
> RERAN RECON_ALL(which created the stats).  Then I reran
> the mris_anatomical_stats command and got the segmentation fault again.
> The command im using is
> mris_anatomical_stats -l new.label -a aparc.a2009s.annot -log
> outSUB1_lhVOL2 SUB1 lh
> A little background on the new.label. We got the label by doing a
> regression in qdec at FDR 0.05 which created cluster and peak cluster label.
> Can anyone please provide me some insight on how to trouble shoot this
> problem?
> Thank you!
> Rupa

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