Hi -

I am trying to extract volumes & thickness stats of networks and followed the commands from the post in the subject line to create network .nii files in each subject's space.  Based on some other postings, I thought I needed to first move the volumes to surf for each hemisphere, i.e.:

mri_vol2surf --src $SUBJECTS_DIR/[subj]/label/LECN_subjXXX.nii --out $SUBJECTS_DIR/[subj]/label/LECN_subjXXX_lh_surf.mgh --srcreg $SUBJECTS_DIR/[subj]/mri/transforms/reg.mni152.2.dat --hemi lh
But this does not seem to create the surf correctly - I am unable to load it.  
I have also tried to use mri_cor2labels to create labels directly front the .nii files but found that the first column in the label files were all -1 (which I found in a previous posting meant the volumes needed to be moved to surface first as I tried above)??
I ultimately want to use mris_aatomical_stats with these labels to output stats.  Any help would be appreciated,

Barbara Weiland, Ph.D.
Research Asst. Professor
CU Change Lab
Dept. of Psychology & Neuroscience
University of Colorado Boulder

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