Is it possible to  get the individual subject data for the clusters, before the 
monte carlo simulation has been run?
I  click  "find clusters and goto max" .  then on the command line it shows me 
the clusters stats  and then when I click the "next" button under "Clusters". 
it shows me the graph of the thickness for each cluster, with thickness values 
for all subjects.  is it possible to output the data values used to make the 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Wieser" <>
To: "Douglas N Greve" <>
Cc: "freesurfer" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:32:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates

Hi Doug
I'm looking at the effect of MJ usage,   the effect of whetherthe subject has 
AHDH, and  the interaction between MJ usage and ADHD
 our threshold is 1.3

i have attahced our qdec.table.dat  file
we are also looking at age and gender as covariates

----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas N Greve" <>
To: "Jon Wieser" <>,
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:20:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates

which contrast are you looking at in QDEC? Also, what is the voxel-wise 
threshold in QDEC? The value I gave in the command below is 1.3 but I 
got that from one of your CSD files.

On 12/10/2013 05:10 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
> HI doug,
>   no, the  summary files in the contrasts  have the same # of cluster as the 
> columns in their OCN.dat \
> the 40 cluster are seen in qdec when I run the  "find cluster" and Goto max" 
> button.   most of these clusters go away in qdec when I run the montecarlo  
> simulation
> Jon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Douglas N Greve" <>
> To: "Jon Wieser" <>
> Cc: "freesurfer" <>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 4:03:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
> So one of the contrasts has 40 clusters in the summary file but the
> y.ocn.dat file only has a few columns?
> On 12/10/2013 04:54 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>> yes, that is what we want,  but the files contain only 1-3 columns
>> Jon
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <>
>> To: "Jon Wieser" <>
>> Cc: "freesurfer" <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 3:44:50 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>> There should be a column for each cluster in contrast. Is that what you
>> want?
>> On 12/10/2013 04:37 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>> thanks,
>>> I ran
>>>     mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir MTA_ADHD_MJ --cache 1.3 abs
>>> MTA_ADHD_MJ  is my project file and has the results from qdec in it
>>> it has produced:
>>> lh-Avg-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-Avg-thickness-Age-Cor/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-Avg-thickness-Gender-Cor/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-X-ADHD-MJ_group-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-X-ADHD-MJ_group-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> lh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-Avg-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-Avg-thickness-Age-Cor/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-Avg-thickness-Gender-Cor/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Cor-thickness-Age/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Cor-thickness-Gender/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> rh-X-MJ_group-ADHD-Intercept-thickness/cache.th13.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>> these files have 120 rows.  each row has a thickness value s
>>> example
>>>        2.71869
>>>        2.52448
>>>        2.50450
>>>        2.53677
>>>        2.58363
>>>        2.50404
>>>        2.42116
>>>        2.61757
>>>        2.51820
>>>        2.59009
>>>        2.42524
>>>        2.72043
>>>        2.59479
>>>        2.38014
>>>        2.41052
>>>        2.58483
>>>        2.49214
>>>        2.45870
>>>        2.51685
>>>        2.62981
>>>        2.59232
>>> it appears that there is the thickness for each subject in the files
>>> I would like to have the thickness value, for each cluster, for every 
>>> subject
>>> we have 120 subjects, with  about 40 clusters
>>> Jon
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <>
>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <>
>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 2:30:31 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>> OK, sorry, I thought qdec was running a script called mri_glmfit-sim but
>>> it appears to be running the correction internally. That means that you
>>> will have to run mri_glmfit-sim yourself, something like
>>> mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir glmdir --cache 1.3 abs
>>> doug
>>> On 12/10/2013 02:53 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>> i have a mri_glmfit.log,(attached)   but no cache.mri_glmfit-sim.log  in 
>>>> the qdec output directory
>>>> Jon
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <>
>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <>,
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:42:37 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>> Is there a cache.mri_glmfit-sim.log in the output folder? Can you send
>>>> it to me? Also, please remember to post to the list. thanks!
>>>> doug
>>>> On 12/10/2013 02:30 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>> FS version 5.3
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <>
>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <>,
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2013 1:05:26 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>> hmmm, it should be there. What version of FS are you using?
>>>>> On 12/10/2013 12:57 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>> i was getting the values for the command terminal, when I press the 
>>>>>> "find clusters and GOTo Max" button on the qdec GUI.
>>>>>> there is no file named cache.th20.abs.y.dat or something similar.  i did 
>>>>>> a "find" command to list all the  *abs*.dat files in the directory
>>>>>> qdec/MTA_ADHD_MJ/lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>> qdec/MTA_ADHD_MJ/lh-X-ADHD-MJ_group-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th20.pdf.dat
>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-Avg-thickness-Age-Cor/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-Avg-thickness-Gender-Cor/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-Diff-ADHD-nonADHD-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-Diff-MJnonuser-MJuser-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>> qdec/Untitled/lh-X-ADHD-MJ_group-Intercept-thickness/mc-z.abs.th13.pdf.dat
>>>>>> these files  contain:
>>>>>> # CSD PDF/CDF
>>>>>> # simtype null-z
>>>>>> # anattype surface  fsaverage lh
>>>>>> # FixGroupSubjectArea 1
>>>>>> # merged      0
>>>>>> # contrast    NA
>>>>>> # seed        1271277527
>>>>>> # thresh      1.300000
>>>>>> # threshsign  0.000000
>>>>>> # searchspace 74612.965197
>>>>>> # nullfwhm    15.000000
>>>>>> # varfwhm     -1.000000
>>>>>> # nrepetitions 10000
>>>>>> # NOTE: nreps and nrepetitions are both valid for volume data.
>>>>>> # NOTE: nreps is invalid (-1) for surface data to assure.
>>>>>> # NOTE:   backwards INcompatibility.
>>>>>> # $Id: volcluster.c,v 2011/03/28 15:32:36 greve Exp $
>>>>>> # nreps       -1
>>>>>> # FixSurfClusterArea 1
>>>>>> # $Id: surfcluster.c,v 2011/11/10 16:01:11 greve Exp $
>>>>>> # nbins 100
>>>>>> # BinNo  MaxClustBin MaxClustPDF MaxClustCDF GRFCDF    MaxSigBin 
>>>>>> MaxSigPDF MaxSigCDF
>>>>>>          0      204.826004   0.000500     0.999500  0.998289     
>>>>>> 2.456050  0.000500  0.999500
>>>>>>          1      220.348267   0.001800     0.997700  0.996805     
>>>>>> 2.811329  0.008100  0.991400
>>>>>>          2      235.870529   0.004300     0.993400  0.994388     
>>>>>> 3.166609  0.022200  0.969200
>>>>>>          3      251.392792   0.007100     0.986300  0.990673     
>>>>>> 3.521888  0.030300  0.938900
>>>>>>          4      266.915039   0.015600     0.970700  0.985251     
>>>>>> 3.877167  0.028900  0.910000
>>>>>>          5      282.437317   0.017500     0.953200  0.977702     
>>>>>> 4.232447  0.022600  0.887400
>>>>>>          6      297.959595   0.021400     0.931800  0.967628     
>>>>>> 4.587726  0.015200  0.872200
>>>>>>          7      313.481842   0.033600     0.898200  0.954689     
>>>>>> 4.943005  0.012300  0.859900
>>>>>>          8      329.004089   0.036100     0.862100  0.938634     
>>>>>> 5.298285  0.009800  0.850100
>>>>>>          9      344.526367   0.038000     0.824100  0.919325     
>>>>>> 5.653563  0.007300  0.842800
>>>>>>        10      360.048645   0.042500     0.781600  0.896747     6.008843 
>>>>>>  0.009200  0.833600
>>>>>>         11      375.570892   0.050000     0.731600  0.871009     
>>>>>> 6.364122  0.006900  0.826700
>>>>>>         12      391.093140   0.043400     0.688200  0.842332     
>>>>>> 6.719401  0.007100  0.819600
>>>>>>         13      406.615417   0.047300     0.640900  0.811034     
>>>>>> 7.074681  0.005500  0.814100
>>>>>>         14      422.137695   0.050700     0.590200  0.777508     
>>>>>> 7.429960  0.005500  0.808600
>>>>>>         15      437.659943   0.047400     0.542800  0.742195     
>>>>>> 7.785239  0.005200  0.803400
>>>>>>         16      453.182190   0.044100     0.498700  0.705560     
>>>>>> 8.140518  0.004900  0.798500
>>>>>>         17      468.704468   0.042700     0.456000  0.668070     
>>>>>> 8.495798  0.005100  0.793400
>>>>>>         18      484.226746   0.040600     0.415400  0.630176     
>>>>>> 8.851077  0.006100  0.787300
>>>>>>         19      499.748962   0.034900     0.380500  0.592300     
>>>>>> 9.206356  0.004800  0.782500
>>>>>>         20      515.271240   0.032200     0.348300  0.554820     
>>>>>> 9.561636  0.003600  0.778900
>>>>>>         21      530.793518   0.031400     0.316900  0.518067     
>>>>>> 9.916915  0.003400  0.775500
>>>>>>         22      546.315796   0.032400     0.284500  0.482320     
>>>>>> 10.272194  0.004000  0.771500
>>>>>>         23      561.838013   0.023800     0.260700  0.447809     
>>>>>> 10.627474  0.004800  0.766700
>>>>>>         24      577.360291   0.026100     0.234600  0.414711     
>>>>>> 10.982753  0.004500  0.762200
>>>>>>         25      592.882568   0.022700     0.211900  0.383160     
>>>>>> 11.338033  0.003300  0.758900
>>>>>>         26      608.404846   0.017500     0.194400  0.353244     
>>>>>> 11.693312  0.003100  0.755800
>>>>>>         27      623.927063   0.018200     0.176200  0.325018     
>>>>>> 12.048591  0.003700  0.752100
>>>>>>         28      639.449341   0.017400     0.158800  0.298504     
>>>>>> 12.403871  0.003800  0.748300
>>>>>>         29      654.971619   0.014900     0.143900  0.273697     
>>>>>> 12.759150  0.004400  0.743900
>>>>>>         30      670.493896   0.014200     0.129700  0.250569     
>>>>>> 13.114429  0.003700  0.740200
>>>>>>         31      686.016113   0.014300     0.115400  0.229078     
>>>>>> 13.469708  0.002800  0.737400
>>>>>>         32      701.538391   0.013100     0.102300  0.209165     
>>>>>> 13.824987  0.003800  0.733600
>>>>>>         33      717.060669   0.011700     0.090600  0.190763     
>>>>>> 14.180266  0.003700  0.729900
>>>>>>         34      732.582947   0.008500     0.082100  0.173798     
>>>>>> 14.535546  0.002900  0.727000
>>>>>>         35      748.105164   0.008400     0.073700  0.158191     
>>>>>> 14.890825  0.003200  0.723800
>>>>>>         36      763.627441   0.006800     0.066900  0.143861     
>>>>>> 15.246104  0.003300  0.720500
>>>>>>         37      779.149719   0.007100     0.059800  0.130727     
>>>>>> 15.601384  0.004600  0.715900
>>>>>>         38      794.671936   0.007200     0.052600  0.118707     
>>>>>> 15.956663  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         39      810.194214   0.005400     0.047200  0.107723     
>>>>>> 16.311943  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         40      825.716492   0.005400     0.041800  0.097698     
>>>>>> 16.667221  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         41      841.238770   0.004800     0.037000  0.088559     
>>>>>> 17.022501  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         42      856.761047   0.004600     0.032400  0.080237     
>>>>>> 17.377781  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         43      872.283264   0.003200     0.029200  0.072665     
>>>>>> 17.733059  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         44      887.805542   0.003400     0.025800  0.065783     
>>>>>> 18.088339  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         45      903.327820   0.002200     0.023600  0.059531     
>>>>>> 18.443619  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         46      918.850037   0.002600     0.021000  0.053855     
>>>>>> 18.798897  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         47      934.372314   0.002200     0.018800  0.048707     
>>>>>> 19.154179  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         48      949.894592   0.001900     0.016900  0.044040     
>>>>>> 19.509457  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         49      965.416870   0.002200     0.014700  0.039810     
>>>>>> 19.864735  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         50      980.939148   0.000700     0.014000  0.035979     
>>>>>> 20.220016  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         51      996.461365   0.002100     0.011900  0.032510     
>>>>>> 20.575294  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         52      1011.983643   0.000800     0.011100  0.029371     
>>>>>> 20.930573  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         53      1027.505981   0.000800     0.010300  0.026530     
>>>>>> 21.285854  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         54      1043.028198   0.001000     0.009300  0.023961     
>>>>>> 21.641132  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         55      1058.550415   0.001000     0.008300  0.021638     
>>>>>> 21.996410  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         56      1074.072754   0.000900     0.007400  0.019538     
>>>>>> 22.351692  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         57      1089.594971   0.000900     0.006500  0.017640     
>>>>>> 22.706970  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         58      1105.117310   0.000800     0.005700  0.015925     
>>>>>> 23.062248  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         59      1120.639526   0.000100     0.005600  0.014375     
>>>>>> 23.417530  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         60      1136.161743   0.000300     0.005300  0.012975     
>>>>>> 23.772808  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         61      1151.684082   0.000800     0.004500  0.011711     
>>>>>> 24.128086  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         62      1167.206299   0.000400     0.004100  0.010569     
>>>>>> 24.483368  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         63      1182.728516   0.000200     0.003900  0.009538     
>>>>>> 24.838646  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         64      1198.250854   0.000200     0.003700  0.008607     
>>>>>> 25.193924  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         65      1213.773071   0.000300     0.003400  0.007767     
>>>>>> 25.549206  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         66      1229.295410   0.000400     0.003000  0.007008     
>>>>>> 25.904484  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         67      1244.817627   0.000400     0.002600  0.006323     
>>>>>> 26.259762  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         68      1260.339966   0.000300     0.002300  0.005705     
>>>>>> 26.615044  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         69      1275.862183   0.000400     0.001900  0.005147     
>>>>>> 26.970322  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         70      1291.384399   0.000100     0.001800  0.004644     
>>>>>> 27.325600  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         71      1306.906738   0.000000     0.001800  0.004190     
>>>>>> 27.680882  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         72      1322.428955   0.000400     0.001400  0.003780     
>>>>>> 28.036160  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         73      1337.951172   0.000100     0.001300  0.003410     
>>>>>> 28.391438  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         74      1353.473511   0.000100     0.001200  0.003076     
>>>>>> 28.746719  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         75      1368.995728   0.000100     0.001100  0.002775     
>>>>>> 29.101997  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         76      1384.517944   0.000100     0.001000  0.002503     
>>>>>> 29.457275  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         77      1400.040283   0.000300     0.000700  0.002258     
>>>>>> 29.812557  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         78      1415.562500   0.000100     0.000600  0.002037     
>>>>>> 30.167835  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         79      1431.084839   0.000000     0.000600  0.001838     
>>>>>> 30.523113  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         80      1446.607056   0.000100     0.000500  0.001658     
>>>>>> 30.878395  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         81      1462.129272   0.000200     0.000300  0.001495     
>>>>>> 31.233673  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         82      1477.651611   0.000000     0.000300  0.001349     
>>>>>> 31.588951  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         83      1493.173828   0.000200     0.000100  0.001217     
>>>>>> 31.944233  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         84      1508.696167   0.000000     0.000100  0.001098     
>>>>>> 32.299511  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         85      1524.218384   0.000000     0.000100  0.000990     
>>>>>> 32.654789  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         86      1539.740601   0.000000     0.000100  0.000893     
>>>>>> 33.010071  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         87      1555.262939   0.000000     0.000100  0.000805     
>>>>>> 33.365349  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         88      1570.785156   0.000000     0.000100  0.000727     
>>>>>> 33.720627  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         89      1586.307373   0.000000     0.000100  0.000655     
>>>>>> 34.075909  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         90      1601.829712   0.000000     0.000100  0.000591     
>>>>>> 34.431187  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         91      1617.351929   0.000000     0.000100  0.000533     
>>>>>> 34.786469  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         92      1632.874146   0.000000     0.000100  0.000481     
>>>>>> 35.141747  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         93      1648.396484   0.000000     0.000100  0.000434     
>>>>>> 35.497025  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         94      1663.918701   0.000000     0.000100  0.000391     
>>>>>> 35.852306  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         95      1679.441040   0.000000     0.000100  0.000353     
>>>>>> 36.207584  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         96      1694.963257   0.000000     0.000100  0.000318     
>>>>>> 36.562862  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         97      1710.485474   0.000000     0.000100  0.000287     
>>>>>> 36.918144  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         98      1726.007812   0.000000     0.000100  0.000259     
>>>>>> 37.273422  0.000000  0.715900
>>>>>>         99      1741.530029   0.000100     -0.000000  0.000234     
>>>>>> 37.628700  0.715900  0.000000
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <>
>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <>
>>>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <>
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, December 9, 2013 5:02:41 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>> which file did you look in? It should have a name like
>>>>>> cache.th20.abs.y.ocn.dat
>>>>>> On 12/09/2013 05:09 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>> I found data for the average thickness all subjects for each cluster, 
>>>>>>> but I haven't found the individual subject's thickness for each 
>>>>>>> cluster.  can you direct me to that data?
>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <>
>>>>>>> To: "Jon Wieser" <>
>>>>>>> Cc: "freesurfer" <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, December 9, 2013 2:15:39 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>> It is in one of the output files. Look for the .dat file in
>>>>>>> mri_glmfit-sim --help
>>>>>>> On 12/09/2013 03:01 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>> thanks doug,
>>>>>>>> We've  run a 2x2 analysis for thickness in Qdec and want the get the 
>>>>>>>> average thickness value for each cluster, for each subject.
>>>>>>>> How can i get a table of thickness data , for feach subject in the 
>>>>>>>> analysis
>>>>>>>> Jon
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>> From: "Douglas N Greve" <>
>>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, December 9, 2013 1:48:15 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] qdec analysis with 2 covariates
>>>>>>>> Hi Jon, QDEC does not currently allow more than one covariates of
>>>>>>>> interest. You will have to use the command-line stream (ie,
>>>>>>>> mris_preproc, mri_surf2surf, mri_glmfit, mri_glmfit-sim)
>>>>>>>> doug
>>>>>>>> On 12/05/2013 02:57 PM, Jon Wieser wrote:
>>>>>>>>> HI freesurfer experts
>>>>>>>>> I want to do an analysis in qdec with 2 groups(ADHD, and Marijuana 
>>>>>>>>> usage)  and 2 covariates(age and gender) to study the effect of these 
>>>>>>>>> factors on cortical thickness. I can only select a covariate in the 
>>>>>>>>> qdec gui.  is there a way to select both covariates in the qdec GUI?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Jon

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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