Hi Alan

yes, this one:


although it is based on the CMA manual definitions

On Fri, 6 Dec 2013, Alan Francis wrote:

Thanks Louis and Bruce. One more question: Is there any paper that outlines
the boundaries of the FreeSurfer version of the Hippocampus.

thanks so much,


On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Louis Nicholas Vinke
<vi...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
      Hi Alan,
      You can use mri_binarize to pull it out of the aseg.mgz.  FYI:
      Once loaded into freeview you can also generate an isosurface
      for the hippocampus label in the 3D view.

      On Thu, 5 Dec 2013, Alan Francis wrote:

            Hi Bruce et al,

            Is it possible to load just the Hippocampal mask/ROI
            from the ASEG onto a brain in Freeview?



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