
I previously installed set-up and have successfully used freesurfer to run
recon-all and visualize my results in tkmedit and tksurfer.  However when I
went to analyze my data and also view it in freeview I have run into a
problem with what my home directory is considered for these applications.

When I try and load images in freeview from the command line I get the
following error:

-------- freesurfer-Linux-centos6_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.3.0 --------
Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
FREESURFER_HOME   /Data/freesurfer
FSFAST_HOME       /Data/freesurfer/fsfast
SUBJECTS_DIR      /Data/freesurfer/subjects
MNI_DIR           /Data/freesurfer/mni
woodward@Bambi:~$ freeview -v B60/mri/braimmask.mgz
mghRead(/home/woodward/B60/mri/braimmask.mgz, -1): could not open file
MRIread failed: Unable to read from /home/woodward/B60/mri/braimmask.mgz
mghRead(/home/woodward/B60/mri/braimmask.mgz, -1): could not open file

This is because freeview is looking for my subject in the computers home
directory (~) which is /home/woodward.

I get a similar problem when I run i.e. mri_glmfit.  When I specify

--glmdir lh.dx_age.glmdir, it places the output in my home (~)
(/home/woodward) directory and not in my FREESURFER_HOME directory.
mris_preproc and mri_surf2surf also seems to be placing their output in my
computers home directory.

I've looked in FreeSurferEnv.sh and I can't seem to find a place to make
any changes.  Please let me know if I can edit a path somewhere, or if I
need to write out the full path for the mri_* programs and freeview.

Thank you,

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