Hi Pietro, Yes, the filedrop would be fine or you can upload using ftp.
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FtpFileExchange -Louis On Mon, 11 Nov 2013, pietro de rossi wrote:
Dear Freesurfers, I am working on the segmentation of mdeft structural images (Siemens Allegra 3T-acquired) of schizophrenia patients. I had troubles editing temporal regions (especially superior temporal gyrus) by adding control points. After re-running the image in the pipeline (autorecon2-cp) the problem on the STG was solved but the pial and white matter boundaries in the lower temporal regions were completely messed up. Could anyone take a look and tell me if the image is editable? I would like to upload the pre and post editing folders so that an expert can give me an opinion. Is this the correct link to upload files and folders? https://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/facility/filedrop/index.html Sorry to bother you all but this would be extremely helpful given that I experienced a similar problem in several subjects of this sample. Thanks in advance, Pietro -- Pietro De Rossi, MD ------------------------------------- Sapienza Università di Roma, Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia, Dipartimento NESMOS (Neuroscienze, Salute Mentale, Organi di Senso), Ospedale Sant'Andrea, Via di Grottarossa 1035-1039, 00189 Roma NESMOS Department (Neurosciences, Mental Health and Sensory Functions), School of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Via di Grottarossa 1035-1039, 00189 Rome, Italy Laboratorio di Neuropsichiatria, Dipartimento di Neurologia Clinica e Comportamentale, IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, via Ardeatina 306 - 00179 Roma Tel. +39 (0)6 51501358 Fax +39 (0)6 90280774 web: http://www.neuropsichiatrialab.com
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