Hi Pietro,
Yes, the filedrop would be fine or you can upload using ftp.



On Mon, 11 Nov 2013, pietro de rossi wrote:

Dear Freesurfers,

I am working on the segmentation of mdeft structural images (Siemens Allegra
3T-acquired) of schizophrenia patients.

I had troubles editing temporal regions (especially superior temporal gyrus)
by adding control points. After re-running the image in the pipeline
(autorecon2-cp) the problem on the STG was solved but the pial and white
matter boundaries in the lower temporal regions were completely messed up.

Could anyone take a look and tell me if the image is editable?
I would like to upload the pre and post editing folders so that an expert
can give me an opinion.

Is this the correct link to upload files and folders?


Sorry to bother you all but this would be extremely helpful given that  I
experienced a similar problem in several subjects of this sample.

Thanks in advance,

Pietro De Rossi, MD
Sapienza Università di Roma, Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia, Dipartimento
NESMOS (Neuroscienze, Salute Mentale, Organi di Senso), Ospedale
Sant'Andrea, Via di Grottarossa 1035-1039, 00189 Roma

NESMOS Department (Neurosciences, Mental Health and Sensory Functions),
School of Medicine and Psychology, Sapienza University, Sant’Andrea
Hospital, Via di Grottarossa 1035-1039, 00189 Rome, Italy

Laboratorio di Neuropsichiatria, Dipartimento di Neurologia Clinica e
Comportamentale, IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, via Ardeatina 306 - 00179

Tel. +39 (0)6 51501358

Fax +39 (0)6 90280774

web: http://www.neuropsichiatrialab.com

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