On 11/05/2013 05:42 PM, Martin Luessi wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Thanks for your reply. I will do it in Python then ;). Is there a 
> table somewhere with a list of values used for each label (17 = left 
> hippo etc.)?
> Martin
> On 11/05/13 17:32, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>> no, sorry, you'll have to do it with matlab. You can do something like
>> mri_vol2vol --mov func.nii --reg register.dat --fstarg --o func.anat.nii
>> aseg = MRIread('aseg.mgz');
>> indroi = find(aseg.vol == 17); % 17 = left hippo
>> func = MRIread('func.anat.nii');
>> funcmat = fast_vol2mat(func);
>> funcroi = funcmat(:,indroi);
>> funcroi will be the ntimepoints by nroivoxels matrix that you are
>> looking for
>> doug
>> On 11/05/2013 05:30 PM, Martin Luessi wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have fMRI data which has been co-registered with the FS 
>>> reconstruction
>>> using "bbregister". I would like to extract the voxel time series for
>>> the voxels in the subcortical labels from the "aseg" subcortical
>>> segmentation. I know that "mri_segstats" can be used with the "--avgwf"
>>> option to extract an average time series for each label, but is there a
>>> way to extract a time series for each voxel inside each label without
>>> averaging?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Martin
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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