
If I understand you correctly, you’re saying I should tweak my expert options? 
Should I further change the limits, how so? You previously advised that I not 
adjust the -p threshold, is this still the case? 

Basically, I’m still confused after your response. 

Sorry to bother,
On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:52 PM, Bruce Fischl <> wrote:

> Hi Jon
> this is almost certainly due to a topological defect. Improving the 
> segmentation quality can frequently reduce the # of defects and get rid of 
> big ones, so if you find that the wm segmentation isn't as visually 
> accurate as is usually the case, using expert opts to improve its quality 
> may also get rid of the problem you are seeing
> cheers
> Bruce
>  On Mon, 4 Nov 2013, Jonathan Holt wrote:
>> Hey Louis,
>> thanks for your response. It?s actually a bit different, in my case an 
>> entire sulcus, including the empty space within it has been segmented and 
>> surfaced as white matter. I?m trying to reduce the WM surface such that the 
>> empty space is not included. I?ve tried removing segmentation manually and 
>> running
>> recon-all -autorecon2-noaseg -subjid <SUBJID>
>> that doesn?t work, the empty space is simply resegmented and the surface 
>> doesn?t change.. I should note that this has worked for me in the past on 
>> some brains.
>> Since there are no WM voxels to remove I didn?t bother with removing any of 
>> them. I ran recon-all -autorecon2 -autorecon3 -expert expert.opts -s 
>> <subjID> with  mri_segment -wlo/-ghi/-whi all reduced by 10 and that hasn?t 
>> worked?
>> I?m open for ideas.
>> I should also note that this problem is not an issue in rh.orig.nofix
>> (sorry about duplicate email, Louis)
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 11:30 AM, Louis Nicholas Vinke 
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi Jon,
>>> The limit numbers correspond to voxel intensities in the brainmask.mgz.  I 
>>> believe you will want a lower number for the -wlo/-wm_low flag to make the 
>>> wm surf extend further out, assuming that the wm voxels that are not being 
>>> captured by the surface is hypo-intense (<< 110).
>>> -Louis
>>> On Thu, 31 Oct 2013, Jonathan Holt wrote:
>>>> HI experts,
>>>> I?m wondering how these limits work, and whether the limit numbers 
>>>> indicate voxel intensity. If I wanted WM to be segmented more aggressively 
>>>> would I plug in a higher number or a lower number?
>>>> Jon
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