The problem is that the command "set dcmlist = (i*.MRDC.1)" is executed as 
soon as it is read. So this will end up with an empty dcmlist, because 
there are no files named i*.MRDC.1 in the current directory.

On Tue, 22 Oct 2013, Jon Wieser wrote:

> Hi anastasia,
> I work with Emily.   the wild card  she used  i*.MRDC.1   specifies only the 
> first dicom image.  the dicoms are in the format:
> i727056.MRDC.1  i727065.MRDC.10 i727074.MRDC.19 i727083.MRDC.28 
> i727092.MRDC.37 i727101.MRDC.46 i727110.MRDC.55 i727119.MRDC.64 
> i727128.MRDC.73 i727137.MRDC.82 i727146.MRDC.91
> i727057.MRDC.2  i727066.MRDC.11 i727075.MRDC.20 i727084.MRDC.29 
> i727093.MRDC.38 i727102.MRDC.47 i727111.MRDC.56 i727120.MRDC.65 
> i727129.MRDC.74 i727138.MRDC.83 i727147.MRDC.92
> i727058.MRDC.3  i727067.MRDC.12 i727076.MRDC.21 i727085.MRDC.30 
> i727094.MRDC.39 i727103.MRDC.48 i727112.MRDC.57 i727121.MRDC.66 
> i727130.MRDC.75 i727139.MRDC.84 i727148.MRDC.93
> i727059.MRDC.4  i727068.MRDC.13 i727077.MRDC.22 i727086.MRDC.31 
> i727095.MRDC.40 i727104.MRDC.49 i727113.MRDC.58 i727122.MRDC.67 
> i727131.MRDC.76 i727140.MRDC.85 i727149.MRDC.94
> i727060.MRDC.5  i727069.MRDC.14 i727078.MRDC.23 i727087.MRDC.32 
> i727096.MRDC.41 i727105.MRDC.50 i727114.MRDC.59 i727123.MRDC.68 
> i727132.MRDC.77 i727141.MRDC.86 i727150.MRDC.95
> i727061.MRDC.6  i727070.MRDC.15 i727079.MRDC.24 i727088.MRDC.33 
> i727097.MRDC.42 i727106.MRDC.51 i727115.MRDC.60 i727124.MRDC.69 
> i727133.MRDC.78 i727142.MRDC.87 i727151.MRDC.96
> i727062.MRDC.7  i727071.MRDC.16 i727080.MRDC.25 i727089.MRDC.34 
> i727098.MRDC.43 i727107.MRDC.52 i727116.MRDC.61 i727125.MRDC.70 
> i727134.MRDC.79 i727143.MRDC.88 i727152.MRDC.97
> i727063.MRDC.8  i727072.MRDC.17 i727081.MRDC.26 i727090.MRDC.35 
> i727099.MRDC.44 i727108.MRDC.53 i727117.MRDC.62 i727126.MRDC.71 
> i727135.MRDC.80 i727144.MRDC.89 i727153.MRDC.98
> i727064.MRDC.9  i727073.MRDC.18 i727082.MRDC.27 i727091.MRDC.36 
> i727100.MRDC.45 i727109.MRDC.54 i727118.MRDC.63 i727127.MRDC.72 
> i727136.MRDC.81 i727145.MRDC.90 i727154.MRDC.99 etc
> so i*.MRDC.1   would specify only the file  i727056.MRDC.1,  the first dicom 
> image
> Jon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anastasia Yendiki" <>
> To:
> Cc:
> Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 10:09:13 AM
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula Error
> Hi Emily - You're using "*" to specify all the dicom files in the series.
> You should specify just one file.
> BTW, do you have the latest version of freesurfer and the tutorials? This
> dmrirc looks like it might have been adapted from an older version of the
> tutorials. If so, I highly recommend downloading the latest version of
> everything.
> Hope this helps,
> a.y
> On Mon, 21 Oct 2013, wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am running into the following error when I try to run trac-all:
>> set: No match.
>> ERROR: must specify as many DWI dicoms as subjects
>> I have taken my script and examined it line by line and have made several 
>> attempts at debugging it.
>> I was wondering if you had any suggestions?  Attached is my 
>> dmrirc_single_subject configuration.
>> I am brand new to freesurfer and tracula and would appreciate any guidance 
>> you can give me!
>> Thanks!
>> Emily
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Anastasia Yendiki" <>
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 3:53:29 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Tracula
>> Hi Emily - The first version of tracula was in freesurfer 5.1. However, I
>> would *highly* recommend using the newer version of tracula, now in 5.3,
>> as it has improvements in both performance and speed.
>> The processing in trac-all is supposed to happen in parallel for each of
>> the subjects included in the configuration file, if you run trac-all on a
>> cluster. However, not all clusters have the same set-up, and you may have
>> to make modifications for it to work on your cluster, with the help of
>> your cluster admins. There should be previous questions on this in this
>> list's email archives. Let me know if you have any other questions.
>> a.y
>> On Thu, 10 Oct 2013, wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 3:14:06 PM
>>> Subject: Tracula
>>> Hello,
>>> I had a question regarding batch processing in trac all.
>>> When you batch process and put in multiple subjects in your subject list in 
>>> your configuration file, are the subjects run parallel or serial?
>>> Also, I am having a hard time finding the linux version of tracula that is 
>>> compatible with Freesurfer version 5.0 (assuming it exists)?
>>> Thank you so much and I appreciate your guidance as I am brand new to 
>>> freesurfer and tracula.
>>> Emily
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