Dear Anastasia, 

I added in the dmrirc file the following line:

set nb0 = 1 

because I red in the forum that it is necessary to indicate the number of b0 
volume and I don't get the error about fslroi anymore. However now I have the 
following error:

Error: bvecs and bvals don't have the same number of entries

I removed the blank line as you suggested (see attach) so I don't understand 
the error


Attachment: bvals
Description: Binary data

Attachment: bvecs
Description: Binary data

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Dr. Lucia Billeci, PhD
Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC)
National Research Council (CNR)
via Moruzzi 1, 56124, Pisa
Tel: +39-0506213204
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

Il giorno 26/set/2013, alle ore 18:31, Anastasia Yendiki ha scritto:

> Hi Lucia - Does it work if you remove the extra blank line at the end of the 
> bvecs file?
> a.y
> On Thu, 26 Sep 2013, Lucia Billeci wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I am trying to apply TRACULA on my DATA (GE data) but when I run the 
>> following command:
>> trac-all -prep -c /Users/Desktop/FreesurferData/SUBJECT1/dmrirc_subject1
>> after eddy current correction, I obtain this error:
>> mv -f /Users/luciabilleci/Desktop/FreesurferData/FRANCINI1/dmri/bvecs 
>> /Users/luciabilleci/Desktop/FreesurferData/FRANCINI1/dmri/bvecs.norot
>> xfmrot /Users/luciabilleci/Desktop/FreesurferData/FRANCINI1/dmri/dwi.ecclog 
>> /Users/luciabilleci/Desktop/FreesurferData/FRANCINI1/dmri/bvecs.norot 
>> /Users/luciabilleci/Desktop/FreesurferData/FRANCINI1/dmri/bvecs
>> printf: -.999993: expected numeric value
>> printf: -.003594: expected numeric value
>> printf: .000852: expected numeric value
>> R: Subscript out of range.
>> R: Subscript out of range.
>> R: Subscript out of range.
>> fslroi /Users/luciabilleci/Desktop/FreesurferData/FRANCINI1/dmri/dwi.nii.gz 
>> /Users/luciabilleci/Desktop/FreesurferData/FRANCINI1/dmri/lowb.nii.gz 0
>> Usage: fslroi <input> <output> <xmin> <xsize> <ymin> <ysize> <zmin> <zsize>
>>      fslroi <input> <output> <tmin> <tsize>
>>      fslroi <input> <output> <xmin> <xsize> <ymin> <ysize> <zmin> <zsize> 
>> <tmin> <tsize>
>> Note: indexing (in both time and space) starts with 0 not 1! Inputting -1 
>> for a size will set it to the full image extent for that dimension.
>> Darwin 11.4.2 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 
>> 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
>> trac-preproc exited with ERRORS at Gio 26 Set 2013 10:12:38 CEST
>> I attach my bvals and bvecs
>> Could you help me?
>> Thanks
>> Lucia
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