
If you you put your custom sequence into SPM, you can get the graphs above.
The key variables are:
SPM.Sess.U.u, time variable is
SPM.xX.X, time variable is 0:TR:TR*size(SPM.xX.X,1), this is the convolved
data., this is the stick function or stimulus on times
** Sess will need to be index for each run (e.g. Sess(1).U)
** U will need to be indexed for each condition (e.g. U(1).u, U(2).u)

Hope this helps.

Best Regards, Donald McLaren
D.G. McLaren, Ph.D.
Research Fellow, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and
Harvard Medical School
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, GRECC, Bedford VA
Office: (773) 406-2464
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On Sun, Sep 15, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Aser A <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Using the output from OptSeq, is there a possible ( easy ^u^ ) way of
> plotting in the same graph the presentation of stimuli with their
> convolution?
> So basically, I created my design using OptSeq. To make it nicer, I want
> to plot this. I am not aware of freesufer and I use SPM. In SPM it just
> shows the convolved stimuli without showing sticks of the stimuli.
> I have attached a picture taken from the genetic program that helps
> creating or optimizing fMRI designs just to show you what I mean or I want.
> I have also attached an excel file contains the output from OptSeq.
> Thanks
> Aser
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