I see. Usually we start with a sphere, and create a sphere.reg for a
bunch of subjects, then remake the template with those
On Tue, 3 Sep 2013,
David Romano wrote:
Hi Bruce,
The workflow that I mentioned from the wiki is for creating a new template
in the absence of any ?.sphere.reg files; here's relevant language from the
"Creating a registration template from scratch (GW)
(This section reports on what I (GW) have learned of the registration
process from Bruce Fischl. and Doug Greve, along with reading the source
code. I have not actually tried it.)
The process of creating a template involves calculating a "mean" (across
subjects) pattern of curvature-related values, along with the variance of
these variables. This task is performed by program mris_make_template.
However, mris_make_template expects the input subjects to be already aligned
(ie: already have ?h.sphere.reg files). This of course will not be the case
if you are about to create a template!"
This is context for my question.
On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Hi David
usually you need a ?h.sphere.reg as the ?h.sphere files are in
(arbitrary) spherical coordinates, while the ?h.sphere.reg ones
are in registered ones
On Tue, 3 Sep 2013, David Romano wrote:
Hi everyone,
If I only have lh.sphere and lh.sulc files for each
of collection of
subjects, would this be enough information to
generate a template for
registering further subjects?
I was thinking of trying to follow the workflow
described on the page:
(in the section titled "Creating a registration
template from scratch
(GW)"), but wasn't sure whether more than just
native spherical coordinates
and convexity information would be implicitly
required by the
mris_make_template command. (The "Positional
Arguments" table that appears
on the page:
only asks explicitly for references to the
hemisphere data for a collection
of subjects.)
Thanks in advance for you help,
David Romano
(P.S. There's also appers to be a typo in the
"Positional Arguments" table
I mentioned above: In the description section for
position 2, the {hemi}
and {sphere_name} values seem to be reversed.)
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