you can use read_label and the first column (+1) for the indices
On Wed, 28 Aug 2013, Giusy Chinnici wrote:

Thanks all,

I opened the file subj/surf/?h.thickness with MATLAB using the function
read_curv(subj/surf/lh.thickness). I obtained a vector with dimensions
nverticesX1, but I need also the vertex IDs. Are vertex IDs in the thickness
file ordered from 0 to n? Is there some other way to obtain a table with vertex
IDs and the corresponding thickness values?

@avram:as you suggested, I tryed to use MRIread('subj/surf/lh.thickness.mgh'),
it doesn't return the  desired values. You can find the result in the
attachment .


2013/8/28 Avram Holmes <>

You can access vertex level info in Matlab


On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 8:42 AM, Giusy Chinnici
<> wrote:
      Dear all,

      Is there available a function that, given a certain ROI,
      returns per vertex thickness (not the average thickness)?


      Giusy Chinnici
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Avram Holmes PhD
Instructor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Assistant in Research, Massachusetts General Hospital

Giusy Chinnici

Freesurfer mailing list

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